Saturday, January 4, 2020

3 Words That Will Change Your Life by Mike Novotny

As a book reviewer and blogger, I read scores of books on Christian living each year. Usually only a few strike me as life changing. This book is one of them. I had no idea how three words could be so life changing. GOD is here. (Yes, GOD, not god, not even God.)

Novotny shakes up what we might think it means to love GOD or follow Him. He challenges us: What if we realize how truly awe-inspiring GOD is, that His presence “makes every other blessing unnecessary for our peace, hope, and joy?” (Loc 118/2901)

GOD is the most satisfying thing for our souls, Novotny says. All the “stuff” we have will never satisfy. It is hevel (Hebrew for “mist,” from Ecclesiastes). Even the sights and sounds and pleasures we experience are given by GOD so we would think more of Him. But He is hidden and it takes practice, devotion, and effort to see GOD, glorious, exalted, and soul satisfying.

Surprisingly, pain is a gift. “Without suffering, we would never know if we loved GOD for his presence or his presents.” (Loc 1526/2901) Pain can be a powerful tool to make us think much of GOD and the glory to come. (Rom. 8:18) GOD uses the struggles of life to force us to keep searching for what can satisfy – GOD. (Loc 1029/2901)

This book is like no other I have read. Novotny points out the frustration and hopelessness of trying to find happiness apart from GOD. This book challenged me in everything I thought I understood about loving GOD. I highly recommend it. May you think much of GOD as He is the only thing that can satisfy your soul.

You can read an excerpt here.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Mike Novotny is a copastor at The CORE, a church affiliated with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, is the lead speaker for Time of Grace media ministry, and serves as the chairman of Conquerors through Christ, a ministry to help people reject, resist, and recover from pornography. He lives with his wife and children in Appleton, Wisconsin. Learn more at

Bethany House, 192 pages. This book releases January 7.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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