Wednesday, January 8, 2020

End Game by Rachel Dylan

This new Capitol Intrigue series, featuring agents from several government and military investigative agencies, is off to a good start. As a romantic suspense, there is a good balance of character development and plot movement. The plot is not full of suspense. There are suspenseful scenes but the majority of the plot is the methodical investigation of murders. The novel follows several of the investigators and the point of view shifts many times. While not confusing in this book, that technique is not my preferred way to develop a story.

I appreciate the romance slowly developing. Marco and Bailey are from different agencies so there was nothing wrong with a romance developing between them. I also appreciated the faith aspect to the novel. While not prominent in the early part of the novel, it is clearly evident towards the suspenseful end.

Interestingly enough, I found two secondary characters more engaging than the primary ones. Izzy and Lexi have a part in helping solve the murders and their actions and enthusiasm for their work made them more alive to me than Marco and Bailey.

I look forward to reading the next in the series.

You can read an excerpt here.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Rachel Dylan was a litigator in one of Atlanta's most elite law firms and now works as an attorney at one of the Big Three automobile manufacturers. She is the author of the Atlanta Justice series. The first in the series, Deadly Proof, is a CBA bestseller, an FHL Reader's Choice Award winner, a Daphne du Maaurier Award finalist, and a HOLT Medallion finalist. A southerner at heart, she now lives in Michigan with her husband and their five fur animals. You can find out more at Photo: © Erika Aitken Photography

Bethany House, 320 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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