Monday, February 3, 2020

For an Audience of One by R T Kendall

Kendall asks us what our life would be like if we lived for God's approval alone. How would we change our behavior? What if we were to speak and act as if Jesus were right in front of us, watching and hearing everything we did and said?

This book is a strong wake up call, encouraging us to live for God's glory alone. Kendall also writes about the ways God motivates us to live for Him alone, such as suffering and trials. Kendall shares his own experiences of painful rejection, driving him to seek God's approval alone. He also gives the example of Jesus' life.

Kendall says living life for the audience of One will lead to a life of wisdom and joy. We will be saved from regret later on.

Kendall includes examples of historic charismatic revivals, individuals seeking God alone and not the approval of man. Some of the stories were rather long and I felt lacked a personal impact.

This is a thought provoking book. Kendall is one of my favorite authors and this book is another one challenging us in how we live our lives. He goes to the motives of our actions and strongly encourages to put God's approval foremost. No discussion questions are included but this would make a good book for a group to read and discuss.

Food for thought: “The greatest joy in the world is the knowledge that God approves of us.” (64)

You can read a sample chapter here.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

R T Kendall was the pastor of Westminster Chapel in London, England, for 25 years. He was born in Ashland, Kentucky, received his MDiv from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and DPhil from Oxford University. He is the author of several books.

Charisma House, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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