Monday, March 9, 2020

Killer Harvest Blog Tour

About the Book

Book:  Killer Harvest
Author: Tanya Stowe
Genre:  Inspirational Romantic Suspense
Release Date: March, 2020

Can she stop a deadly crop virus from ending up in the wrong hands? Biologist and single mom Sassa Nilsson just witnessed her mentor’s brutal murder by environmental extremists. Now she’s the last link to a deadly pathogen they plan unleashing—and their number one target! But can handsome border patrol agent Jared De Luca shield Sassa and her baby long enough to find a cure…before the entire world faces the unthinkable consequences?

Click here to get your copy.

My Review

I liked this inspirational suspense novel with a plot involving agricultural terrorism. Attacking crop production for terrorist purposes is something I had not thought of. The framework of recreating the plant killing virus and then an antidote is a good one for the suspense and romance that revolved around it. The characters were developed well and that development was the focus of the plot. The romance progression was done at a pace I liked. I also liked the action hook at the beginning of the novel and the suspense interspersed often throughout the story. There was a good faith message included too. This short novel is good one for an evening's entertainment.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Author

Tanya Stowe is a Christian Fiction author with an unexpected edge. She is married to the love of her life, her high school sweetheart. They have four children and twenty-one grandchildren, a true adventure. She fills her books with the unusual…mysteries and exotic travel, even a murder or two. No matter where Tanya takes you…on a trip to foreign lands or a suspenseful journey packed with danger…be prepared for the extraordinary.

More from Tanya

As a teenager, I spent my summers water-skiing on the King’s River in Central California. Even though we lived on the coast and the ocean, we traveled inland to the smooth river waters every other weekend for our sport. We camped on a sandy beach, skimmed over the water all day long and at night sat under a sky full of brilliant stars and listened to the sound of the water rippling past. Since we lived on the coast with a heavy marine layer, the amazing sky always fascinated me. Surrounded by massive cottonwood trees, with the smell of ripe fruit drifting toward us, my river experiences were different from home and more than memorable. On some nights we’d hear the splash and laughter as teenagers, somewhere across the river, came down to swim. I always wondered what it would be like to live in the nearby small, neat-as-a-pin town, to know the same people all of my life and to be able to drive down to the river with my friends on any given night. I envied those teenagers and always knew I’d someday write a story about central California. I didn’t know it would involve biological warfare and crazed killers…but that transition is another story all its own! I’ll stop here and hope you enjoy Killer Harvest!

Blog Stops

The Avid Reader, March 7
Simple Harvest Reads, March 8 (Guest Review from Mindy Houng)
Among the Reads, March 9
Genesis 5020, March 9
Betti Mace, March 12
Bigreadersite, March 12
Older & Smarter?, March 14
Remembrancy, March 15
Emily Yager, March 16
Mary Hake, March 17
Pause for Tales, March 18
SPLASHES of Joy, March 19
Hallie Reads, March 19
Artistic Nobody, March 20 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.


  1. Thank you so much for taking time to bring to our attention another great read. I enjoy these tours and finding out about many terrific books.

  2. Great review! Sounds like a must read! Thank you for being part of the tour.
