Sunday, March 29, 2020

Secrets of the Happy Soul by Katie Orr

We want to be happy don't we? Really happy with that joy springing up from the inside. After all, Jesus promised an abundant life, a thriving existence. Yet there seems to be a chasm between what Jesus promised and how many Christians live. What's going on?

Orr makes sure readers are born again believers. That is essential because her book “is about working out the incredible, life-changing, happy realities that are true of us because of Christ.” (13) She gives insights on six areas where we need to understand the life change that has happened to us and then live it out.

She points out that experiencing and enjoying God does not automatically happen. It takes cultivating. She helps us understand the kinds of actions necessary to bring us to full maturity in Christ.

My favorite part of the book is her teaching on the essential nature of valuing God's Word. We must understand that only the Word can fulfill our deepest longing and satisfy us like nothing else can. We might have some barriers that hinder us from enjoying God's Word. She tackles them, one by one, calling us to fight for the inclinations of our hearts.

This is a good book for young Christians as it clarifies the path to being all we can be in Christ. It's a good book for older Christians too, especially if we have become a little lazy in our Christian walk. Orr's enthusiasm for going after the delight we can experience in God is contagious.

Food for thought: "Happiness in not something we pursue. It is something we are." (40)

You can read an excerpt here.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Katie Orr is passionate about helping women enjoy God daily. As a conference speaker, prolific author, and online Bible coach, she provides biblical teaching and relevant resources to help women jump-start their journey toward walking with Jesus. Katie and her pastor-husband have three children and serve together in the local church. Learn more at

Bethany House, 256 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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