Wednesday, April 8, 2020

The Story Peddler by Lindsay Franklin Blog Tour

About the Book

Selling stories is a deadly business.

Tanwen doesn't just tell stories – she weaves them into crystallized sculptures that sell for more than a few bits. But the only way to escape the control of her cruel mentor and claw her way from poverty is to set her sights on something grander: becoming Royal Storyteller to the king.

During their final story peddling tour, a tale of treason spills from her hands, threatening the king himself. Tanwen goes from peddler to prey as the king's guard hunts her down . . . and they're not known for their mercy. As Tanwen flees for her life, she unearths long-buried secrets and discovers she's not the only outlaw in the empire. There's a rebel group of weavers . . . and they're after her too.

My Review

This fantasy series is off to a good start. I like the idea that people can weave stories, bringing a visual sense to words and their meanings. I found it interesting that Tanwen started weaving visual elements of truth when the story she was weaving was actually false. I like the idea of truth pushing through.

There is a definite aspect of good and evil with good people trying to survive under an evil king. I like that even within the evil king's court there is a glimmer of goodness and hope. As is often the case with fantasy, the concept of God is rather vague but we do get a sense of Him as Creator.

The characters are developed pretty well though none really captured my heart. The story line and plot development occurred at a consistent pace. The second half had more action than the first, keeping me reading.

This is a good novel for young people who love fantasy. While this could be a stand alone novel, we are left at the end anticipating another adventure for Tanwen. I'll be looking for it.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Author 

Lindsay A Franklin is a best-selling author, freelance editor, and homeschooling mom of three. She lives in her native San Diego with her husband and family. You can find out more at

Enclave Publishing, 336 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.

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