Friday, May 1, 2020

Leaf Me Alone by Julie B Cosgrove

Book Synopsis:

A long lost child . . . and secrets that insist the lost remain lost!

Word spreads through town about the genealogy researchers of Shannon, Bailey, and Jessica. So far, it's been a fun hobby and an eye-opening experience as they helped to solve two murders. But when old Mrs. Perkins, their Bible study leader, wants to hire Shannon and her husband Jayden to find her long lost nephew, the couple soon learns that moving forward along the Perkins family tree may leave them dangling out on a limb . . . and someone is holding a saw!

Buy your copy here!

My Review:

This is the first book I have read by this author and I am impressed. It is the third in a series but reads well on its own. The characters were developed rather well and the plot was engaging. Cosgrove did a good job of combining the personal lives of the major characters with the developing investigation into finding a long lost nephew of a dying friend. There were plenty of red herrings and misleading clues to keep me wondering if the plot would resolve well in the end.

My favorite part of the novel was the faith of the leading characters. It was so refreshing to find them praying when they needed guidance and generally turning to the Lord frequently for help and comfort. Their faith was an integral part of their daily activities.

I recommend this cozy mystery. It's an enjoyable novel.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Author bio:

Freelance writer, award-winning author, and professional speaker, Julie B. Cosgrove leads religious retreats, workshops for churches and writer groups, and Bible studies. She writes regularly for several devotional publications and is on staff with Campus Crusades of Canada's Power to Change digital ministry as editor and writer for The Life Project. Their websites help to lead thousands of people worldwide to know Christ, one mouse click at a time. Her own blog, Where Did You Find God Today? has readership in 52 countries.

Julie has published three Bible studies, a devotional, two inspirational guides, and has fifteen faith-based novels published or contracted, including two cozy mystery series, The Bunco Biddies Mysteries and the Relatively Speaking Mysteries. All can be viewed on her website:

Awarded one of the 50 Writers You Should Be Reading by the Author's Show in 2015 and 2016, and Best Religious Fiction 2016, Best Cozy Mystery 2017 by Texas Association of Authors, Julie is also an INSPY semi-finalist and a Grace Awards Finalist in 2016. She is a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, and the Christian Authors' Network. She achieved the highest public speaking level in Toastmasters International, the Advanced Communication Gold, in 2015.

Julie is widowed and lives in Fort Worth, Texas, where she is involved in mission and women's ministries. She is a murder mystery aficionado – especially British ones – and loves word games.

You can connect with Julie on Facebook and Twitter.

Pursued Books, an Imprint of Write Integrity Books, 322 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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