Monday, May 25, 2020

Made in Hollywood Blog Tour

About the Book

Book:  Made in Hollywood
Author: Michelle Keener
Genre:  Christian Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 10, 2020

When a pastor’s son saves her life, can a prodigal daughter dare to believe in second chances?

Noah Shaw is almost thirty and he still doesn’t know what he wants to be when he grows up. Torn between running his business as a limo driver for Hollywood’s elite, and feeling called to ministry, he prays for direction. But he never expects that direction to include finding a woman near-death on the front steps of his father’s church.

Hannah left her family and her faith when she moved to Hollywood looking for adventure. Instead of finding fame in the movies, she was lured into the life of an exotic dancer. Hopeless and ashamed, suicide seems like her only escape. Until the night Noah saves her life.

The Shaw family welcomes her into their home and gives her a chance to start over. When the shadows of her former life threaten to expose her past, she must choose between running away or fighting for the new life she’s built and the man she’s grown to love.

Click here for your copy.

My Review

This is an engaging novel and a good retelling of the truth contained in the biblical story of the prodigal son. Hannah is a well crafted character although I was disappointed she did not have a better understanding of grace and forgiveness, having grown up as a pastor's kid. Noah is a good hero, a man with compassion and a desire to really do God's will, as soon as he figures it out. And Kate is a good foil, trying to plant doubt in Noah's mind about Hannah's motives.

This is a good novel showing the power of God in transforming a life through grace and forgiveness and the acceptance of others. You'll read of some of the tragic events that befall young runaway women. But you'll also see the restoration that can occur when God's people reach out and help those in need.

My rating:4/5.

About the Author

Michelle Keener is a wife, mom, and the author of five books. She lives in Southern California with her retired Marine husband, their two children, and one spoiled dog. When she isn’t writing, she is busy homeschooling, teaching creative writing workshops, or baking something involving chocolate.

More from Michelle

The Story of a Prodigal Daughter

Made in Hollywood is the sequel to my first Christian romance novel Mission Hollywood. It’s the story of Lily’s brother Noah and his search for love and direction. In the book, Noah meets a young girl who has been through some truly dark and terrible places. She’s been wounded, abused, and she’s lost hope. She’s worried that her past is too much for God to forgive, and that she’s fallen too far and doesn’t deserve God’s grace. She is a prodigal daughter lost on the streets of Hollywood.

One of the reasons I wrote Made in Hollywood (aside from the fact that I just adore Noah) is to be a reminder that God never gives up on us. Just like the story of the Prodigal Son, if we turn back to God, He will run to us and bring us home.

There is no place so dark that God light can’t reach.

There is no sin, no mistake, no circumstance that can separate us from the love of God. His arms are always open to us. His love is unchanging, unending, and unfailing. His amazing grace reaches the lost and restores what was broken. His love binds our wounds and heals our past. What the enemy intended for evil, God will turn to good. It’s a truth Hannah had to learn. It’s a truth I had to learn. And it’s a truth God wants His people to share. God’s love never fails.
I hope you enjoy Made in Hollywood!

Blog Stops

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)


  1. Excellent review! Sounds like one I'll enjoy. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Thank you for sharing your book with us. I always look forward to finding out about another great read.

  3. Thank you for reviewing Made in Hollywood! I'm so happy you enjoyed it!

  4. I really like the cover, this sounds like a great book.
