Sunday, June 21, 2020

In Too Deep Blog Tour

About the Book

Book:  In Too Deep
Author: Stacey Weeks
Genre: Christian Romantic Suspense
Release Date: November 2017

Like an anchor wedged in the lake floor, Grace Stone’s heart is submerged in the past. Drowning in guilt over the role she played in her father’s and sister’s deaths, Grace prays that launching her water survival program at Camp Moshe will properly honor their memory and enable her to move on. But success depends on Grace risking everything on the man hired to rebrand the Christian camp. Kye Campton’s usual confidence wavers when his extreme sports campaign lands him in hot water with the cautious instructor and it becomes increasingly evident that Camp Moshe’s fight for survival is against more than a declining economy. Will Kye be able to save the camp—and Grace—from a saboteur determined to close the camp at any cost?

Click here to get your copy!

My Review

I enjoyed this Christian romantic suspense. There was good character development in Grace. A deadly disaster that happened when she was a child plagues her as an adult and shapes her actions. The romance was done rather well. I thought the suspense, the threats and harmful actions, wrapped up too conveniently, as did the solution to Grace's financial grant issues.

Weeks' novel is a good summer read, reminding many of us of our summer camp days.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Author

Stacey Weeks is the multi-award-winning author of Glorious Surrender (2016), and Chasing Holiness (2020), inspirational romances The Builder’s Reluctant Bride (2016), Mistletoe Melody (2018), Mistletoe Mission (2019), and inspirational romantic suspense novels In Too Deep (2017), and Fatal Homecoming (2019). Stacey lives in Ontario where she speaks at women’s conferences, teaches writing and bible study workshops, and writes about the things of the  Lord.

More from Stacey

Why I Write Christian Romance

In Too Deep builds the romance between Kye and Grace through their emotional connection and growing respect. In all my novels, the plot moves the story forward—not shocking or steamy scenes. I take Ephesians 5:4 seriously, “Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving.”

I love romance because I believe that each one of us are in the middle of a love story. Some of our love stories are like In Too Deep. They’re full of heart-wrenching moments and climatic events. They might even have you biting your nails wondering if good will ever prevail. Some love stories are like a feel-good-girls-night-out, and everything falls into place at the right moment and clicks. And some of you are thinking – love story? – yeah right!

I don’t know your circumstances or life, but what I hope all my readers understand is that there is Someone who does. He is greater than any fictional prince, and He left his kingdom to pursue your heart. Not only is He pursuing you, but He is writing your story as a part of His story. He has promised that the stories of all His children end in victory for His glory.

While we wait for certain victory, we can refresh our weary souls with clean, wholesome, and God-honouring stories. Stories of purity, highlighting characters that honour God first. Stories that contain illustrations of how true satisfaction comes from a right relationship with God not from a human relationship. In Too Deep thrives within the boundaries God has created for love, and that gives hope to those who have only known broken love. Not hope in the right man, but hope in the Lord.

In this genre, you can count on your happy ending—and I like that. But more importantly than Grace finding her one-true-love is her growth in her walk with the Lord. More important than saving the day, winning the girl, and defeating the villain is Kye’s surrender to God.

So yes, I write romance. But the real story is exposing the lies Kye and Grace believe about themselves, the world, or God and proving those lies to be untrue. The real story is that God is the Hero, the pursuer of our hearts, and the lover of our souls.

Blog Stops

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.
(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)


  1. Great review! Sounds like one not to miss.

  2. I'm glad you are following the tour, Caryl. Good luck in the draw for the bracelet, and if you read In Too Deep, I'd love to hear your thoughts.
