Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Jane Doe Blog Tour

About the Book

Book:  Jane Doe
Author: Lillian Duncan
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: June 26, 2020

A Broken Body. A Broken Mind. What If She Wasn’t The Last Victim?

Raven Marks survives a brutal kidnapping but just barely. Along with a broken body, her mind is broken. She wants to put the past behind her, but nightmarish memories won’t let her. . . At first because she doesn’t have them, and then because she does.

Even though her fractured memory can’t recall every detail, she’s haunted by one thought: What if she wasn’t the last victim? Her search for answers leads her to the highest politicians in the land. Each reclaimed memory brings her closer to the truth—and to even more danger.

Click here to get your copy!

My Review

Duncan's novel is a good thriller. By the time I got to the end of the book I was holding my breath. The plot is well crafted with a reporter on a hot story being kidnapped and tortured for months. She survives the kidnapper's attempt to end her life but has no memory of the horrific experiences. I like how Duncan has Raven's memory come back little by little until the shocking recognition of the very public man. I like how Raven realizes she has to be the one to stop him as no one with authority would believe her. Duncan has added several very good characters to support Raven. I loved Gracie and Lydia. What sweet women with such big hearts to help Raven. And then there is Hunter, the handsome deputy sheriff.

The only aspect of this novel I did not like was the initial pages of Raven's torture experiences while held kidnapped. Those first three chapters, nineteen pages, were hard to read and I felt a bit repetitive. Sensitive readers may just want to start reading at chapter four. Some of what Raven experienced is later revealed anyway, through her memories. I think the novel might have even been better if we readers just experienced the torture in bits and pieces as those first pages were too intense for me.

This is a good book for readers who enjoy a suspenseful thriller. There is a wonderful emphasis on the power of God to sustain a person through a terrible experience and the recovery following. This novel is a very good example of how a strong faith a can and should be included in a Christian romantic suspense novel. Except for the hard to read initial pages, well done

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Author

Lillian Duncan… turning faith into fiction.
Lillian lives in a small town in Ohio with her husband. She writes the types of books she loves to read. Even though her books cross genres, they have one thing in common, faith-based stories that demonstrate God’s love—and lots of action. OK, that’s two things.
She was a school speech pathologist for over 30 years but retired in 2012 after being diagnosed with bilateral brain tumors due to Neurofibromatosis Type 2 (NF2), a rare genetic disease.
Whether as an educator, a writer, or a speech pathologist, she believes in the power of words to transform lives, especially God’s Word. To learn more about Lillian and her books,

More from Lillian

JANE DOE is my latest novel and it’s a doozy!
What’s the genre you ask? It’s suspense with lots of drama and action…but it also a political thriller…but it also has a lot of mystery components…but there’s the romance element as well… and let’s not forget the spiritual message! No matter what genre you classify it as, it’s one I think you’ll enjoy!
So how did JANE DOE come about?
I’d finished all my edits on a current book and was feeling very uninspired. I had no idea for my next story, so I went on FB and asked people to send me an idea for my next suspense novel. An old high school friend sent me the suggestion to write a story where the main character struggled with memory loss.
Mmmm… but the old amnesia plot has been done and it’s a big no-no that writing experts warn against. I took the challenge and wrote JANE DOE. It’s definitely not your typical amnesia plot, but the main character is haunted by her memories.
First, because she doesn’t have them and then because she does!
Raven Marks survives a brutal kidnapping but just barely. Along with a broken body, her mind is broken. Even though she can’t remember the details of her kidnapping, she’s haunted by the thought that someone else is being victimized by the kidnapper she can’t remember.
Her journey to discover the truth leads her to the highest politicians in the state and then the country. Each reclaimed memory brings her closer to the truth—and to even more danger.
I’m not going to give away the plot, but there’s plenty of twists and turns to keep you reading late into the night!

Blog Stops

By The Book, July 4 (Author Interview)
Betti Mace, July 6
Andrea Christenson, July 7 (Author Interview)
For the Love of Literature, July 12 (Author Interview)
Bigreadersite, July 12
Artistic Nobody, July 13 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)


I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.
(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)


  1. This book sounds like a really great read!

  2. Excellent review! Sounds like a must read.

  3. Another great book to discover. Thanks so much for sharing this with us.

  4. Thank you for the warning. I wouldn't like to read that kind of description, either.
