Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Glimpses of God: Summer Devotional for Women Blog Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

Glimpses of God: A Summer Devotional for Women
Author: Shirley Crowder & Harriet Michael
Genre:  Devotional
Release Date: April 29, 2020

Creator God made the world in which we live. He placed the moon and stars in the sky, the rivers and ocean on the earth. He also created seasons throughout the year. Each season is defined by specific features/attributes that are common although the degree varies depending on where a person lives. In winter we think of cold weather; in spring, blooming flowers; in summer, warm weather; and in the fall, beautifully colored leaves.

As Christ-followers we also experience spiritual seasons. These seasons do not come in order like seasons in nature, which come regularly without fail. Each spiritual season we experience is defined by certain features also. In spiritual winter we think of the coldness of our relationship with God; in spring, new

This devotional is focused on summer—both calendar and spiritual. Our spiritual summer is a time of growth, hard work, and relaxation as we nurture and care for the new things that were planted in our spiritual spring and allow them to ripen or mature.

Click here to get your copy!

My Review

There are sixty-five devotionals contained in this book, divided into collections of five on a topic. Reading them would take one through the summer months. The authors share many of their own experiences and draw spiritual lessons from them. The two authors involved in writing the devotionals and that offers a little variety to the writing style and devotional content. Each devotion includes a written prayer and a Thought for the Day.

Many of the topics deal with summer types activities, such as mission trips, Vacation Bible School, or vacations in general. Others are lessons from childhood experiences in Nigeria. There is a good collection of encouraging devotion for when things turn sours or there is unexpected tragedy.

I was surprised to find that several of the devotions deal with specifically American ideas. The first collection starts with an emphasis on Memorial Day, its American roots and the blessings those of us have who live in The United States. In another devotion, Shirley writes of her frustration when she sees people not respecting the flag of the United States. (Loc 1189/3352) In another devotion, Harriet celebrates July 4 with a Happy Birthday, America theme. Another is on football and is titled, America's Favorite Pastime. (Loc 2930/3352) While both authors relate their devotions to spiritual truths, I think those topics limit the appreciation of their work to citizens of the United States. I found that a bit odd since both of the women were born in Nigeria and became friends there before moving to the United States.

This is a good collection of devotionals for the summer season.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the  Authors

Shirley Crowder
was born in a mission guest house under the shade of a mango tree in Nigeria, West Africa, where her parents served as missionaries. She and co-author Harriet E. Michael grew up together on the mission field and have been life-long friends. Shirley is passionate about disciple-making, which is manifested in and through a myriad of ministry opportunities: biblical counseling, teaching Bible studies, writing, and music.
She is a biblical counselor and is commissioned by and serves on the national Advisory Team for The Addiction Connection. She is an award-winning writer who has had several of her articles appear in “Paper Pulpit” in the Faith section of The Gadsden Times, and in a David C. Cook publication. She also writes articles for Life Bible Study, Woman’s Missionary Union, The Addiction Connection and Inspired Prompt. She has authored, co-authored, or contributed to eight books.
Shirley has spiritual children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren serving the Lord in various ministry and secular positions throughout the world.

Harriet E. Michael
was born in Joinkrama, Nigeria, deep in the African jungle in the Niger River delta, where her father served as the only missionary doctor at that station. A few years later, the mission moved the family to a larger hospital in Ogbomoso. Co-author Shirley Crowder and her family lived right across the dirt road. The two children became constant playmates. Today they continue to enjoy their lifelong friendship.
Harriet is a multi-published, award-winning writer and speaker. She has authored or co-authored seven books (six nonfiction and one novel) with several more under contract for future release. She is also a prolific freelance writer, having penned over 200 articles, devotions, and stories. Her work has appeared in publications by Focus on the Family, David C. Cook, Lifeway, Standard Publishing, Chicken Soup for the Soul, The Upper Room, Judson Press, Bethany House, and more. When not writing, she loves speaking to women’s groups and teaching workshops on freelance writing.
She and her husband of more than 40 years have four children and two grandchildren. When not writing, she enjoys substituting at a Christian school near her home, gardening, cooking, and traveling.

More from Shirley

In the same way that nature’s seasons serve a purpose on earth, so do the seasons in our spiritual lives. God provides, cares for, and sustains the earth, and in His faithfulness, He does the same for us. Our responsibility is to be obedient to God’s commands in the Bible and to cling to the truth that God is in control.
Our “Glimpses of God” series consist of:
  • Glimpses of God: a winter devotional for women
  • Glimpses of God: a summer devotional for women
  • Glimpses of God: a spring devotional for women (due out in early 2021)
  • Glimpses of God: an autumn devotional for women (due out in late summer 2021)
We pray that as readers meditate upon the Bible passages and truths in each devotional, they will catch glimpses of God in and through everything around them.
How has He provided for you? How is He protecting you? How is He teaching you?

Blog Stops


To celebrate their tour, Shirley and Harriet are giving away the grand prize package of a print copy of Glimpses of God: A Summer Devotional for Women and a $25 Amazon gift card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)


  1. Good Morning! Your book sounds great and I'm glad I got to learn about it. Thank you!

  2. This book sounds really good and I am looking forward to get it.

  3. I'm glad I didn't sign up for this tour! The emphasis on American holidays would have been annoying, since I live elsewhere.

  4. Wonderful review! Sounds like one not to miss.

  5. This looks like a good devotional.
