Friday, October 9, 2020

Jesus is Coming Soon Blog Tour


About the Book

Book:  Jesus is Coming Soon

Author: Guillermo Maldonado

Genre: Christian Theology/Eschatology

Release Date: August 14, 2020


Shakings, Signs, and the Return of Christ

You are mentioned in biblical prophecy. You may not be mentioned by name, but you are included there. End-times prophecies speak of faithful followers of Jesus—called the “remnant”—who are ready for the last days and His return, but they also speak of those who are unprepared or fall away before His appearing.

Which prophecy will you fulfill?

Jesus Is Coming Soon: Discern the End-Time Signs and Prepare for His Return will help you be certain you are part of God’s remnant. The signs of the end of the age and Jesus’s appearing are evident in the physical and spiritual worlds. But most people, including Christians, have not recognized them. What signs has God given to announce the culmination of His purposes for the world? How can we discern them? How can we prepare? This book will unfold:

  • The reason for the unprecedented natural and spiritual shakings in our world
  • What the signs tell us, including unusual signs such as blood moons
  • How God works according to seasons, eras, and the fullness of time
  • How Jewish feasts point to the ages of man, accurately showing us God’s time clock
  • Which imminent biblical signs and promises have yet to be fulfilled
  • The judgments God is bringing to the earth

God has given prophecies concerning Israel, the church, and the world. And His Spirit is disclosing His last-days purposes right now. We need to know how to receive the vital revelation and prophetic knowledge He wants to share with His people. When we have this foreknowledge, we can understand the times and prepare for His final plans for the earth.

God intends the church to be a community of hope, revival, and supernatural power in the midst of dark times. There is a spirit of confusion in the world today. People must turn to God for the answers only He can give, and the church needs to be ready to provide those answers.

In these end times, you do not need to be fearful, discouraged, or distracted. Instead, you can know your true position in God before Christ’s appearing. You can be joyfully prepared, watching and waiting in expectation, with your spiritual eyes open. Live in God’s perfect will for your life and participate in His supernatural, last-days purposes!

Click here to get your copy!

My Review 

Maldonado senses in his spirit and believes that signs point to Jesus' soon return. While Maldonado does not set a specific date, he does seem to indicate the year, noting that 1,991 years have gone by of the two-thousand-year mark for the end of the Passover feast. He references Hosea 6:2 which speaks of two days. (Loc 728/3039) So be paying attention in 2029. He also says, “I can say with great certainty, based on the Word of God, the Holy Spirit, and the feasts, that we are the generation that will see the return of the Lord.” (Loc 748/3039) Don't forget Hal Lindsey was just as confident in his prediction 50 years ago. And Maldonado writes of the “blood moons,” something I thought was laid to rest with the failed predictions of John Hagee.

Maldonado is an advocate of the pre-trib rapture but believes only a remnant will be taken. This remnant is the uncompromised church, those who embrace the Holy Spirit, the supernatural and all God desires to pour out. (Loc 393/3039) Only a portion of the church will be taken. (Loc 2177/3039) It is not enough to be a Christian, he writes, and not even enough to know how to manifest God's power. If one does not have “a genuine, constant, and intimate relationship with God, we will be left on earth at the rapture.” (Loc 2313/3039)

Maldonado's teaching can be a bit confusing. He says, for example, it is true we are saved by grace and our salvation is eternal, forever, yet we can lose that salvation by the way we live. (Loc 1664/3039) And some of his teaching puzzled me, such as his saying we are to celebrate the feasts. We are not exempt because we are not Jews, he writes. (Loc 335/3039) He says the feasts are for us to understand the spiritual seasons and that they reveal God purposes. (Loc 326/3039) This when the writer of Hebrews says the feasts were just a shadow of the things to come. (Heb. 10:1) Why should we have to celebrate the shadows?

It bothers me when an author kind of makes up material for his case. An example in this book is, “God fashioned the earth during a spiritual feast in which all aspects of creation were made complete and fully mature. (See Genesis 2:1-3.)” (Loc 600/3039) There is nothing in Genesis that indicates this was a “spiritual feast.” Another example is Maldonado saying the Hebrew culture is that the groom had to give nine gifts to his bride, relating that to the fruit of the Spirit. (Loc 2088/3039) I read several articles on Hebrew marriage customs, some particularly relating them to New Testament truths, and never once came across the nine gifts idea.

Maldonado does have a good emphasis on being spiritually diligent and ready for Christ's return. He calls Christians to have an intimate and continuous relationship with the Spirit. He also includes great testimonies to the active work of the Holy Spirit today in various countries. I would encourage you to be a Berean when reading this book, studying the Scriptures.

My rating: 3/5 stars.

About the Author

Active in ministry for over twenty years, Apostle Guillermo Maldonado is the founder of King Jesus International Ministry—one of the fastest-growing multicultural churches in the United States—which has been recognized for its visible manifestations of God´s supernatural power. He is a spiritual father to 419 churches in 61 countries, which form the Supernatural Global Network, representing 700,000 people. He is also the founder of the University of the Supernatural Ministry (USM). Apostle Maldonado earned a doctorate in Christian counseling and a master’s degree in practical theology. He resides in Miami, Florida, with his wife and partner in ministry, Ana, and their two sons, Bryan and Ronald.

More about Guillermo

Apostle Guillermo Maldonado has written many books concerning the foundations of biblical truth, victorious Christian living, how to manifest the supernatural, and how to be established in the present purposes of God on earth. It is absolutely essential that every Christian read his new book, Jesus Is Coming Soon. All scriptural end-time signs regarding the world, Israel, and the church are coming to a climax. By reading this book, you will discover how to be properly prepared to co-labor with Christ in completing the final things that must be fulfilled for Jesus to return (Acts 3:21). Bless you, Guillermo, for providing such a valuable book for the Holy Spirit to use to prepare the church for Christ’s return.
—Bishop Bill Hamon
Christian International Apostolic-Global Network
Author of numerous books, including The Eternal Church, Prophets and Personal Prophecy, and Prophets and the Prophetic Movement

Are you ready? Are you prepared for what is coming in the last days and at the end of the age? The phrase Maranatha was on the lips of the early disciples as they lived this life in preparation for the next. These electric words should not only be on our lips, too, but they should be a living reality in our hearts and lifestyles. In Jesus Is Coming Soon, Apostle Guillermo Maldonado clearly shows us how to live in light of eternity during these end times. Each of us must make sure we are ready for the final act of the greatest story ever told—the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” Even so, come, our dear Lord Jesus Christ!
—Dr. James W. Goll
Founder, God Encounters Ministries
GOLL Ideation LLC

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I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)