Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Truly Known Blog Tour

About the Book


Book:  Truly Known

Author: Jayne Martin Patton

Genre:  Christian Nonfiction/Christian living

Release Date: March 9, 2020

Knowing God—really knowing God—often seems like an impossible endeavor, especially when we hardly know ourselves. Jayne Patton saw that truth firsthand after ministering to women at a maximum-security prison. And soon she realized that women everywhere—even sitting in the church pew next to her—were living in emotional, spiritual, and mental prisons within their own hearts and minds.

Truly Known invites women of all ages and stages to discover the life-altering freedom that God richly provides them, so that they no longer have to live within their own prisons but can be transformed in the presence of Jesus. Readers will be asking “So now what?” as they are empowered to snatch each moment and each day that God gives them to make a difference in the lives of others.

All proceeds from Truly Known will be donated to Samuel’s House, an orphanage in Venezuela that seeks to feed, shelter, educate, and evangelize children, bringing life to their souls.

Click here to get your copy!

 My Review

I liked this collection of inspiring and challenging devotionals.

The most piercing devotional for me was “When Fantasy Speaks.” Patton reminded me that living a life of purpose includes taking inventory of how I spend my time. Is it on TV shows that shape unrealistic goals? She challenged me to stop focusing on what the world thinks is important and rather shift my focus to what God says is important.

The most surprising devotional was “Blessing Through Close Proximity.” Patton shows that Laban was blessed by God because of Jacob and Potiphar was blessed because of Joseph. The challenge is for us to be conductors of the blessing of God. We must walk closely with God and remain firmly attached to Him. That devotional gave me much to think about.

I appreciate this devotional and recommend it. You'll be inspired and challenged in your faith walk.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Author

Jayne Patton loves crossing over denominational divides to bring the gospel to others in a way that is powerful and relevant. With over twenty years in women’s ministry, she has previously served as a women’s ministry director, worked with government officials in the plight of persecuted Christians worldwide, ministered to women behind prison walls, and more. Jayne is a popular speaker at churches, women’s events, and MOPS groups. She and her husband, Mike, have three children. Jayne loves to read in her spare time, can always be bribed with Mexican food, and never turns down a double-stuffed Oreo. Learn more about her at

More from Jayne

Let’s be real, prison ministry was never on my women’s ministry vision board. I didn’t lay in bed as a little girl and dream of going behind bars. I didn’t grow up knowing a single incarcerated person, my modern-day world didn’t include those who had been incarcerated, and I never thought it would be the thing that would change my entire life. Until 2017. In the fall of that year, I was given the opportunity to begin ministering weekly at a maximum security women’s prison in Missouri and remember thinking at the time how much it would bless those inmates if I would teach them the word of God. I couldn’t have gone in with the worst motivation. You see, it was the Lord who was bringing me there to be blessed and taught by them!

I soon discovered that Jesus was working hard in the hearts of those women and they were being transformed into Christ’s likeness unlike anything I had ever experienced within the church walls. In fact, I was so dramatically impacted by what I was experiencing, the Lord prompted me to launch a women’s conference style ministry entitled “Altered Ministries”. My ministry team and I began hosting women’s events at local churches sharing the same messages we were bringing to the women in prison. It was remarkable what God began doing! Lives were being restored, addictions were being shed, and relationships were being renewed!

As Altered was moving full speed ahead, I began writing short and pointed daily devotionals for those just beginning their walk with Jesus. Those short devotionals are what soon became my devotional book entitled “Truly Known”.  Why that name? Because God is the One who truly knows all the parts of us that we try to hide, and yet still desires that we draw close to Him. I could see His heart for not just the women sitting in church pews often held captive in prisons of their own making, but for the ones that were held behind very real bars. Jesus came to set all of us free.  My prayer is that “Truly Known” serves as daily encouragement that is easy to understand for the beginner and serves as a sweet reminder for the scholar.

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, October 7

Texas Book-aholic, October 8

Inklings and notions, October 9

For Him and My Family, October 10

Rebekah Reads, October 10

deb's Book Review, October 11

Ashley’s Bookshelf, October 12

Sara Jane Jacobs, October 13

Debbie's Dusty Deliberations, October 14

Locks, Hooks and Books, October 15

Mary Hake, October 15

Artistic Nobody, October 16 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Because I said so -- and other adventures in Parenting, October 17

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 18

SodbusterLiving, October 19

Splashes of Joy, October 20

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)


  1. I enjoyed your review, thank you for sharing

  2. Wonderful review! Thank you for sharing this much needed book.

  3. Thank you for sharing your wonderful review of this book, it sounds like an inspirational read

  4. Thanks for sharing your great  book and for the giveaway too.

  5. This sounds like a wonderful book. And I am really looking forward to reading it.

  6. Sounds like a good book!
    Thank you for sharing this giveaway!

  7. This would be a great devotional to add to my daily scripture reading. I love those!

    Thank you for your review and participating in the blog tour for " Truly Known "!
