Monday, December 21, 2020

Deception Bay by Chris Patchell

I enjoyed this mystery taking place on Whidbey Island because I am a native and long time resident of it. The plot was well crafted with current deadly deeds originating in a murder years ago. The characters were pretty well crafted too. I always find it interesting when an author has a main character of the opposite gender. I trust male readers will think Patchell did a sufficient job.

Patchell did capture the atmosphere of living on an island in the Salish Sea. She portrays well the small community attitude where everyone seems to know what everyone else is doing.

I really like Patchell's writing style. She is clever at writing and has some good snarky dialogue too.

I can forgive Patchell for a few errors in geography, like putting the Star Store in Coupeville when it is in Langley. Fictional freedom is certainly allowed. I was bothered by Austin seeing Puget Sound from the Coupeville Wharf. You can't. But you can see Mount Baker and the Cascade Mountains from it. That would have been a descriptive view to better show the beauty the Pacific Northwest offers.

There is some foul language I didn't appreciate but seemed appropriate to the characters. I really do like Patchell's writing style and will be reading more from her. I do recommend this book to readers who would like to get a bit of the flavor of Whidbey Island.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Chris Patchell is a USA Today bestselling author. She has written five novels including the award winning Jill Shannon Murder Series, the bestselling Holt Foundation Series, and the stand alone Deception Bay. A former tech worker, her suspense novels are set in the Pacific Northwest. You can find out more at

Chris Patchell Ink, 222 pages.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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