Saturday, December 26, 2020

How to Forgive When It Feels Impossible by Peter Horrobin

God has given us guidelines for abundant living. Horrobin reminds us that one of those guidelines is forgiving others. We may have the impression that forgiving others is not so important but Horrobin sets us straight. Jesus said we are to forgive others if we are to expect forgiveness from God. Unforgiveness harms us, the bitterness a poison. Forgiveness sets us free.

Perhaps we know we should forgive others but face the obstacle of such forgiveness seeming to be impossible. Horrobin helps us work through the issues, like when we feel others do not deserve the forgiveness. He reminds us that forgiveness is an act of love, not justice. (34) He gives a practical strategy with eight steps to help us work through forgiveness. He also has good teaching on specific areas of forgiveness, such as for sexual abuse or forgiving our parents.

My favorite insight from Horrobin is about trust. He distinguishes forgiveness from trust. “A forgiven person may still be an untrustworthy person.” (71) Forgiving a person does not mean we automatically trust that person again. Trust must be earned.

This is a small book but it contains a powerful message. It is full of encouragement to forgive, contains good strategy to work through the process of forgiveness, and contains many inspiring stories of people set free through their forgiving others.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Peter Horrobin is the founder and international director of Ellel Ministries, established in 1986 as a ministry of healing in northwest England. Today the ministry has operational centers in over 35 countries. Horrobin was born in northern England. He has a degree is chemistry from Oxford University, lectured in colleges and universities and then transitioned to the business world. The story of Horrobin's life and how God built the ministry is told in his book Strands of Destiny (Sovereign World, 2018). He and his wife live in Lancashire, England. You can find out more at

Chosen Books, 128 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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