Thursday, December 31, 2020

The Bible Recap by Tara-Leigh Cobble

I will be reading through the Bible this year using The Bible Recap book. I have read several of Cobble's comments on the daily Bible readings and am impressed. I have listened to her podcasts too. I have confidence in the study material provided.

The Bible reading program is a chronological one but of a different arrangement than I am used to. Cobble says to not buy a chronological Bible as it will not go along with her plan. She suggests using a Bible you have, reading the daily designated chapters in it.

Cobble's daily notes really help readers see the overall story of the Bible and how God has worked through His people. The daily written commentary is very similar to the daily podcast material. The content is the same but the written form has been edited slightly for readability. The book has wide margins so there is plenty of space for readers to write notes and even journal insights.

Perhaps what impressed me the most with Cobble's material is that where there are different interpretations of Scripture, she presents the various views. I have found that she does so without showing any of her own bias. I like that.

You can read an excerpt here.

You can find out about the program, resources for study groups and churches, print out a reading guide, and much more at

You can find The Bible Recap on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can find The Bible Recap Bible reading plan on the free YouVersion Bible app and you can listen to Cobble's podcasts on your favorite podcast platform.

I highly recommend this book. Reading the Bible is essential to our understanding of God and our spiritual growth. Cobble presents a program that will help any Christian read through the Bible and gain valuable spiritual insights.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Tara-Leigh Cobble is the creator and host of The Bible Recap podcast and the founder of D-Group, an international network of weekly discipleship and accountability groups. She also hosts a daily radio show called The God Shot. She lives in Dallas, Texas. You can find out more at

Bethany House, 752 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

1 comment:

  1. Is Bryan Cranston the man who is reading the Bible in Terra Leigh Cobbles Bible Recap?
