Sunday, February 21, 2021

Talking With God by Dick Eastman

When reading Jesus' appeal to Peter in Matt. 26:40, Eastman was challenged to set aside an hour each day to be with the Lord, in His Word and in prayer. He wrote The Hour That Changes the World in 1978 and this book is an adaptation and abridged version of that one.

The purpose of this book is to give a plan for prayer. Eastman explains twelve elements of prayer, their biblical focus, and how to incorporate them into daily prayer.

An insight about prayer I really appreciate is seeking Him in silence. In the waiting, we surrender our soul. This is not listening as that comes later. The essential nature of this aspect of prayer is developing the relationship with God. I so often jump into talking to God I forget to lay a good foundation for that communication. This step helps me do that.

A surprise for me was the singing element. It is based on the Psalms and 2 Chronicles 20. Singing may seem awkward. It was for me. Eastman suggests asking the Holy Spirit to make new melodies in our hearts. He gives other practical ideas for singing too.

I really appreciate this book and it is one I will keep by me for my morning devotion time. I like the illustrated wheel as that is a quick reminder of the elements of prayer. Eastman has done a great job of explaining the aspects of prayer and giving practical suggestions for each one. This is especially a great book for Christians who have not read Eastman's original book on prayer or have let the ideas contained in it fall by the wayside.

You can read an excerpt here.

You can find out more about Every Home for Christ ministry and download free prayer resources at

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Dr. Dick Eastman is the president of Every Home for Christ, a ministry that has planted over 4.5 billion gospel messages home to home worldwide since 1946. He has traveled around the world more than 100 times. He also serves as president of America's National Prayer Committee, a diverse group of evangelical leaders instrumental in planning America's annual National Day of Prayer. He is the originator of the Change the World School of Prayer, a multipart seminar that has trained more than two million Christians in 120 nations on the power and intimacy of prayer. He is also the author of numerous bestselling books on prayer and evangelism, including The Hour That Changes the World. He and his wife live in Colorado Springs and have two grown daughters and nine grandchildren.

Chosen Books, 160 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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