Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Wrecked for God by Dianne Leman

The concept of Christ in me and I in Christ is a difficult one to comprehend. Yet Leman says it is the secret to the Christian life. It is the key to real change. While the truth of that union with God becomes a reality at salvation, it takes time and lots of trust to live it out. But it is not a striving to be like Jesus. It is living in the active reality of Jesus in me and I in Him.

Leman shares the lessons she has learned by living in union with God. She began to identify religion's demands and how they differ from true discipleship. She realized her priority in her journey. “Our faith is a relational faith first, a doctrinal faith second.” (60) She accepted the truth that believers no longer have a sin nature and explains it does not take a sin nature to sin. (Note Adam and Eve.) She came to appreciate the messiness of ministry.

Leman does not provide a step by step plan to learn to live in union with God. She suggests, “Your whole life can be wrecked for God.” (27) That is true transformation. There is no neat formula to follow. It will mean losing your religion and finding Jesus as the only way to live. It will be messy. But the fruit will be living into the person God has designed you to be – in Christ.

Leman's book did not answer all my questions about the mystery of Christ in me and I in Christ but it did give me much encouragement to choose to do all in union with Jesus. (121)

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Dianne Leman is a graduate of the University of Illinois, Vineyard Leadership Institute and Vineyard Bible Institute. She and her husband founded the Vineyard Church of Central Illinois in Urbana and serve in full-time ministry. They have five children and a growing number of grandchildren. You can find out more at

Chosen, 240 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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