Sunday, April 11, 2021

Night Fall by Nancy Mehl

This FBI suspense novel revolves around several psychological issues. The main characters, Alex and Logan, are with the behavioral unit of the FBI. They would generally provide a profile of the villain. In this novel, the identity of the villain is soon known so they work on understanding his actions and character with a view to preventing further murders. Another area of psychological exploration is cult involvement. Alex had been exposed to a weird cult as a teen. While she had escaped that situation, it all comes back on her when she realizes their villain is a member of that same cult. Alex also has PTSD from teen experiences she is still trying to manage.

Another deeply explored issue is the relationship between Christianity and cult belief. We find out how cults can begin and generate associated literature. Cult beliefs are frequently contrasted to beliefs of Christianity in this novel. There is a very clear Christian message included. It is not subtle as the gospel is explained several times.

Another interesting aspect of the plot is the possibility of killing many with an airborne virus. That is a timely subject as the world is still in the midst of fighting a pandemic.

While most of the novel deals with psychological issues, there is some suspense. I was a bit disappointed when the suspense was prefaced by a thought of Alex. “This might be the dumbest thing she'd ever done.” ((3332/3990) No surprise suspense followed. There are some good twists near the end and a revelation that was not surprising.

This is a good novel for readers who like an FBI plot centering on profiling and other psychological issues. I liked it and will be looking for the next in the series.

You can read an excerpt here.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Nancy Mehl is the author of more than forty books and a Christy Award and Carol Award finalist as well as the winner of an ACFW Book of the Year award. She writes from her home in Missouri, where she lives with her husband and their puggle. You can find out more at Photo by Ginger Murray Photography

Bethany House, 336 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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