Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Time to Reset by Karen Brown Tyson Blog Tour

About the Book:

Has your life been interrupted? Do you want to know how to move forward? It's time to stop running in circles. When we experience setbacks and disappointments in life, God is ready to not only offer refuge but is prepared to provide redirection.

  • In Time to Reset: A 21-Day Devotional to Renew Your Mind After Being Sidelined, Disappointed or Knocked Off Course, Karen Brown Tyson helps us:

  • learn how to surrender to God's plan,

  • become the best version of ourselves, God created us to be; and

  • refresh our faith.

How can we get our lives back on track and find time to connect with God? This 21-day devotional will show you how to reset your mindset to move forward with renewed strength.

You can purchase the book at Amazon, Thrift Books, and Barnes and Noble

My Review

This is a timely book. Many of us have had our lives upended with the pandemic. Plans for life have been frustrated. I appreciate Brown reminding us that God's plans supersede our own. She also reminds us that we have some responsibilities in times like these, such as being willing to repent and being willing to allow God to work in us as we refresh our faith.

Brown shares the lessons she has learned from her own experiences as well as the experiences of others and from examples in Scripture. Each devotion has a note from the author in the form of a prayer, a Bible verse and a lesson, takeaways, and thought provoking prompts about gratitude, listening to God, observing a Bible passage, and sharing our story with others.

My favorite lesson from Brown was on the storms that come in life. There are two kinds. One is a storm of correction (think Jonah) while another is a storm of perfection. The latter is like when the disciples were in a storm and Jesus came walking on water. The disciples were right where Jesus told them to be. The storm was for their growth and perfection in faith. It is so important to hear God's voice in both kinds of storms.

This is a good book for Christians whose lives have been interrupted. You'll be encouraged to give control to God and not allow the enemy to take advantage of your circumstances.

You can listen to an interview with the author and enter to win a copy of the book and see a list of all the blog tour stops here.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Author

Karen Brown Tyson is an award-winning author. Her first book, Time to Refresh: A 21-Day Devotional to Renew Your Mind After Being Laid Off, Fired or Sidelined, was named 2019 Finalist in the Religion: Christian Inspirational Category of the 2019 Best Book Awards.

She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from West Virginia University and a Master of Arts in English from National University. In addition, Karen has a Master of Arts degree in Christian Ministry and postgraduate certificates in Christian Leadership, Theological Studies and Biblical Studies from Liberty University Rawlings School of Divinity. Her ministry concentration focuses on the expository teaching of the Word of God in the areas of spiritual discipline, discipleship, leadership, apologetics and New Testament theology.

Karen has served in God’s kingdom in a variety of ways including her most recent assignments with the Deacon's Wives, Women, Evangelism, Social Media and Helps ministries at her church, Elevation Baptist Church. Karen also serves as the Dean of the Elevation Bible Institute where she teaches courses on spiritual discipline, evangelism, and Christian apologetics.

She is a graduate of the Jerry Jenkins Christian Writer’s Guild apprentice program. As a writer, she has developed several Christian ministry tools and training materials for her local church.

Karen and her husband of 25 years, Kelvin, have one son and they live in North Carolina.

You can find more about Karen Brown Tyson on her website, follow her on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest

Independently published, 137 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Women on Writing. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Women on Writing.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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