Thursday, May 20, 2021

Dusk's Darkest Shores by Carolyn Miller Blog Tour

This is a good novel exploring the plight of men returning to England from fighting in the Napoleonic campaigns. Miller has done a good job of creating an unlikely romance in the midst of suffering. Her writing style is a pleasure to read and her characters crafted well to fit the time.

There are several themes explored in the novel. One is the plight of the returning soldiers. Many had no means of living and were not treated well. Some, like Adam, returned home with a debilitating disease. Miller explores the frustration felt by Adam and his battle with feeling useless. But we also see just how far one can go with a disability when there is encouraging help.

Another theme in the novel centers on women and their place in society at the time. A young woman is attacked and mistreated yet the Magistrate tends to not believe her. Our heroine, Mary, does believe her and tries to encourage her. Mary is a bit of a pistol, nearing thirty and not married. She helps her doctor father and really doesn't fit into society, lacking beaus. And then there is Emily, a young woman who fits well into social circles. She was engaged to Adam before he left for war but now cannot face the thought of marrying a less than able man. An additional theme in the novel is the exploration of God and miracles. Will He still heal today? Why doesn't He protect those who love Him from devastating harm? How do we trust Him in the midst of suffering?

I enjoyed this novel. It is an entertaining story of tragedy, emotional healing, and trust in God. I was also delighted to learn about herbs used to heal at the time.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Carolyn Miller is an inspirational romance author who lives in the beautiful Southern Highlands of New South Whales, Australia with her husband and four children. She has a BA in English Literature. Her novels have won a number of RWA and ACFW contests. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Australian Christian Writers. You can find out more at

Kregel Publications, 320 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.
(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)


  1. I haven't read Carolyn's books yet but I am looking forward to them.

  2. Glad you enjoyed! Thanks for sharing your kind words.
