Wednesday, May 12, 2021

I Witnessed Miracles Blog Tour

About the Book

Book:  I Witnessed Miracles

Author: Maureen Chevalier-Seawell, M.D.

Genre: Christian non-fiction

Release date: April 30, 2020

Do Miracles really happen?
Does God still heal the sick?Dr. Maureen Chevalier-Seawell says, Yes!In the hope and faith inspiring book,
I Witnessed MiraclesDr. Chevalier-Seawell recounts the dozens of miracles she witnessed in her thirty-three years of medical practice and in her personal life.Thomas had a stroke which did not resolve in two years. But then…
When he was hospitalized for a different problem, he was re-evaluated by stroke-rehab. Their evaluation was: no hope. His prayer group prayed for him every night for three weeks. Thomas regained everything the stroke had taken away.Jessie lost her vision for six months. But then…
She came to the office for surgical clearance for her ophthalmologist. After anointing with oil and receiving a brief prayer, she awakened the next morning with her sight restored to normal.Elizabeth had lupus for ten years. Her joint pain, Raynauds and fatigue were increasing. But then…
On the 700 Club on TV she heard, “There is somebody out there…and she has Lupus. God is healing her right now.”
And he did. Every chapter tells the individual uplifting story of each person’s devastating diagnosis when medicine failed them and then the miraculous recovery as God healed their body and revived their spirit. I Witnessed Miracles is a profound recollection of inspirational stories that will give you positive reinforcement, drawing you closer to God and refreshing your faith. A read you won’t forget.
Click here to get your copy!

My Review

These are good personal stories of miracles, witnessed or verified my a medical doctor. Some of the events were totally unexpected recoveries. Other were visitations by heavenly beings. All of them point to God intervening in lives.

I appreciate Chevalier-Seawell addressing the issue that not all are healed. She is very honest about having a vision and getting the meaning wrong. Because of that, this is a good book for people who are looking for examples of miracles and those wanting to understand more how we can misunderstand what God has planned.

My rating: 4/5 stars. 


About the Author

Maureen Chevalier-Seawell, MD graduated Summa Cum Laude with a BS in Chemistry then completed medical school and a residency in Internal Medicine. She is board certified in that specialty. She has practiced medicine for 36 years and has taught medical students for more than a decade.

Read an Excerpt

”Faith was a single mother in her late twenties. Very pretty. Upbeat personality. She was well liked by most people. Faith was also a devout Christian. She shared her faith constantly like seeds in the wind. She worked in an office in the building where I leased space.

It was late in 2005 that Faith developed a physical problem in her mouth. Her dentist removed the right upper wisdom tooth, but the wound did not heal. She had been seeing the dentist for weeks. He would debride the wound and cover it. Then she would go back for more debriding. The painful, dime-sized wound refused to heal. After six weeks of conservative care, her dentist told her the hole would not close on its own. She would need surgery, so he made the referral.

This was the day she told me about the problem. She was visiting in our office just at closing. She pulled out a pocket flashlight and showed me her gum. What I saw was a lesion about the size of a dime and deep. I could see white uncovered bone, but the wound was clean. There was no dead or infected tissue. I didn’t know why with the care she was getting the wound had not healed.

In a purely social way, I told her that I hoped all would go well with her and proceeded to exit the building. It was already getting dark. The winter sun went down early. That day had been a particularly long one. I was tired. My coat was on my body, my purse on my shoulder, and my briefcase in my hand. I was done. I pushed open the heavy glass door and walked toward my car. Next stop, home. No sooner did I get outside the building than I heard the Spirit of the Lord speak to my heart: “Are you my servant or aren’t you?”

I was so tired. I didn’t want to go back into the building. I wanted to go home. I had a short discussion with myself, turned around, and went back to find Faith. Fortunately, she was right where I had left her. She had found someone else to talk to. I asked her if she would be offended if I said a brief prayer for her and applied the oil. “No, that would be wonderful,” she said.

I returned to my office, retrieved a drop of oil that had been blessed, and placed it on her face near the wound inside her mouth. I put my hand on her shoulder and prayed a very short but sincere prayer in the name of Jesus. I still had my coat on, so I shouldered my bag, picked up my briefcase, and left.

I was interrupted in my morning schedule by my office manager. She told me Faith had been healed. My whole office was excited. Faith was jumping up and down. The hole in her gum was gone. She was still carrying her flashlight, so I could see where it had been. There was nothing in her mouth but clean, well-healed skin. It couldn’t have healed like that overnight. Faith’s dentist didn’t believe it either, so she took time that day to show him. He, too, was amazed.

There is no medical explanation. I give the glory to the Lord Jesus, our Savior.”

Oh, clap your hands, all you peoples!

Shout to God with the voice of triumph!

Psalm 47:1

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)


  1. Thank you for sharing your review of this book, it sounds like an inspirational read

  2. Thank you for the review. Sounds like a good book.

  3. Maureen Chevalier-SeawellMay 12, 2021 at 1:07 PM

    Joan, thank you so much for your blog about I Witnessed Miracles. I feel so blessed to have seen those things with my own eyes. And I am also blessed by your kind review. Thanks again. Maureen

  4. This sounds like a great book. I'm looking forward to it.

  5. Beautiful excerpt! Im definitely reading this very soon!

  6. Wonderful review, Joan! Thank you for sharing.

  7. What a fascinating-sounding book!
