Monday, June 7, 2021

Laughter Therapy by Bob Phillips and Jonny Hawkins

This is quite a collection of mostly funny stuff. There are wacky definitions: Polarize – what penguins see with. There are cartoons: two pigs, “I think I'm having a mud-life crises.” There are witty dialogues: Q. What do you call a man who crosses the ocean twice without taking a bath? A. A dirty double crosser.

Some of them make me want to groan. Some of them have a hint of a moral lesson. An example is the one listed for exercise: “The only exercise some people get is jumping at conclusions, running down their friends, sidestepping responsibility, and pushing their luck.” (259/686)

Some of the entries are a play on words that made me shake my head. Some I just didn't get at all. Some are longer stories with wacky punchlines.

The mostly funny stuff is compiled in alphabetical order so if one needed a joke about getting old, for instance, one could be easily found. Hilarious? Side-splitting? Not really, but you will get a few chuckles out of the collection.

Food for thought: Overeating – An activity that will make you thick to your stomach. (480/686)

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Bob Phillips is a master compiler of inspirational verses, Scripture references, and quotes on the lighter, humorous side of life. He has written hundreds of books with combined sales of over 11 million copies. He also serves as executive director emeritus for Hume Lake Christian Camps and is a licensed family counselor in California.

Jonny Hawkins is a full-time cartoonist whose work has appeared in more than 600 publications. He also creates five themed Cartoon-a-Day calendars each year. He and his wife have three children and live in Michigan. You can find out more and see some sample cartoons at

Harvest House, 176 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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