Saturday, September 18, 2021

Silent Altitudes by Michael Emberger Blog Tour

About the Book

Book: Silent Altitudes

Author: Michael James Emberger

Genre: Cli-Fi Thriller (Climate Fiction/Thriller)

Release date: March 30, 2021
The world looks up to the sky in hopeful anticipation as the Pennychuck Atmospheric Carbon Reduction System comes online. Finally the chance to eliminate global warming will be obtainable.

Within moments, something goes terribly wrong. Dr. Milford Pennychuck races to find the underlying problem that caused so much destruction. Yet when an assassination attempt and system sabotage blindsides him, he has to rely on a surprising ally.

Together they delve into a conspiracy deeper than they can fathom. As the system operates at progressively higher altitudes, the two scientists must find a way to shut it down…or die trying.

Click here to get your copy!

My Review

This is a timely novel as it deals with both the current climate issue and conspiracy theories. Emberger explores the possibility of a fix for the excess carbon in the atmosphere. An innovative scientist has a potential answer featuring a combination of technology and nuclear power. But the well designed technique encounters a problem.

That brings in a secret society. They have been making use of social unrest and political controversy to further their plan to rule the world. This climate fix is a perfect opportunity to further their agenda. A compromised and blackmailed scientist is forced to change the parameters of the computer program controlling the fix, ultimately endangering the entire world.

Emberger has crafted good characters, heroes to fight the destruction and villains to further their cause no matter the human cost. The secret society conspiracy is chilling as members take a good scientific project and sabotage it. The plot moves well as we are taken to various locations in the US as the project runs wild. The action builds to a suspenseful climax.

This is a good novel for those who would enjoy an engaging story about the possibilities of scientific progress in dealing with climate problems countered by the possibility of projects being sabotaged by a secret and powerful society.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Author

Michael James Emberger is an author of thrillers and suspense, and he resides in Wilton, New Hampshire. He enjoys weaving narratives of conspiracy and misguided intentions around divisive topics. Where there is debate, there is always room for a villain with goals far out of alignment from either side. Michael is a graduate of Messiah College, where he studied Engineering and met his wife racing solar cars cross-country. When he’s not working on home renovations or writing, he enjoys visiting the ocean and exploring the majesty of God’s creation on the summits of New Hampshire’s mountains.

More from Michael

Silent Altitudes is a Cli-fi (Climate Fiction) thriller set in the near future. I wanted to avoid the current political debates over global warming, so I went with the assumption that the world eventually comes to consensus about what to do. The United Nations rolls out an elaborate technological solution, but sabotage and conspiracy lead to disaster on startup day. That’s the type of angle I enjoy writing. Climate change is the backdrop, but this book is about family and survival and fighting against the greed and corruption that have laid good intentions to ruin. It’s about loss and hope and trusting that God is still in control even when everything seems hopeless.

A significant inspiration for this book was a phrase my daughter would say when she was little: “Hold you Mommy.” It meant she wanted a hug. I contacted Laura, a pottery artist on Etsy, and ordered a custom mug with that phrase as a Christmas present for my wife. Laura was a joy to work with, and our conversation led to me developing characters and themes that provided the heart of my story. I find it’s those little inspirations that make the biggest difference in my writing.

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, September 18

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, September 18

Debbie's Dusty Deliberations, September 19

Library Lady's Kid Lit, September 20

Rebecca Tews, September 21

Texas Book-aholic, September 22

Inklings and notions, September 23

For Him and My Family, September 24

Blogging With Carol, September 24

deb's Book Review, September 25

Locks, Hooks and Books, September 26

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, September 27

Because I said so -- and other adventures in Parenting, September 28

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, September 29

A Reader’s Brain, September 30

The Meanderings of a Bookworm, September 30

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 1

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)


  1. Thank you for sharing! This is going on my tbr!

  2. As a former Meteorology major and avid fan of sci-fi in general, this story is a must read for me. Thank you for sharing your review and the book and author details

  3. Looks like an interesting book.
    Thanks for the contest. 

  4. What inspires your main characters?

  5. Joan, Thank you for sharing your wonderful review!
