Sunday, December 26, 2021

The Ghost of Darwin Stewart by L G Nixon

I enjoyed this imaginative novel for teen readers. It is in the style of Narnia with ghosts, portals into the spirit world, secret passages, spiritual beings and two girls engaging in a battle of good verses evil. Lucy is the thirteen year old heroine and Schuyler is her best friend. Lucy is at a flea market when she sees an artifact, much like an old magnifying glass. It calls to her but when she tries to buy it, the vendor says she must buy an entire trunk and its contents. When Lucy does so, she enters into a battle that has been waging for millennia. The items in the trunk will be essential tools as she enters the conflict.

There is no clear gospel message but like many imaginative young teen novels, there are many Christian principles. The theology contained might not be perfect but the narrative generally follows biblical principles. Young readers familiar with the Bible will recognize elements like the Tree of Life, rebellious angels, spiritual warfare, the armor of God, and more. Those not familiar with the Bible will get an entertaining adventure with spiritual lessons from the author at the end.

At the beginning of the novel, neither Lucy's nor Schuyler's parents believe in ghosts or spiritual beings. They think the girls are just living in a fantasy world. Like Schuyler's parents, readers will experience the reality of angels and demons and spiritual warfare. Some of the girls' experiences may be scary for some readers. Nixon is great at describing spiritual creatures and, even though I'm a septuagenarian, I found myself not wanting to read the book too late at night.

This is the first installment in The Issachar Gatekeeper series. I like how Lucy and Schuyler grew into their task. I'll be watching for the next in the series.

You can get some insight into Nixon's writing style and creating stories similar to those in the Bible at her website,, and clicking on Ascalon Chronicles.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

L. G. Nixon grew up hoping to be a writer. After a long career in office management, she began writing. Growing up in a creaky old house where relatives told ghost stories, she now shares stories God lays on her heart. She lives in Michigan with her husband and enjoys outdoor activities. You can find out more at

Fitting Words, 320 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the author. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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