Sunday, April 24, 2022

Canceled by John Faubion Blog Tour

About the Book

Book: Canceled

Author: John Faubion

Genre: Christian Thriller

Release date: November 14, 2021

Jerold Steele has been canceled. His identity is stolen. His job is gone. Even more bizarre, the people around him are dying.

Each one was stalked and killed by a supernatural menace that hides in darkness, and preys on the mind.

Facing exposure, the killer is eliminating every person that threatens him. In his world, there’s only room for one superman, and that superman is going to be him.

Brenda Neal wants to trust him, but the deaths terrify her. Is it better to hide, or fight with him?

CANCELED is a cutting-edge, page-turning thriller, a story you hope won’t be in tomorrow’s headlines.

Read CANCELED to find out what happens when the only thing that will stop a killer is Power no one never imagined.

Click here to get your copy!

My Review

This is a good novel exploring what might happen when liberal theologians (there is no such thing as the supernatural) are confronted with the reality of spiritual evil. It starts at a liberal seminary when a student disrupts a class. It continues as the seminary professor commits suicide. Then another dies. Then another.

Leading the attempt to figure out what is happening and who is behind it are Jerold, professor and ordained (though a nonbeliever) and Brenda, daughter of the seminary president (also a nonbeliever). As the two follow leads provided by the first professor to die, they are confronted with spiritual truths they cannot deny. There must be a God. But if God exists, then does evil? If there is evil, how does one fight it?

Faubion does a good job of exploring evil spiritual attacks and deceptive temptations on unsuspecting people. People unaware of the whole spirit world. He portrays well the spiritual awakening and the struggle to recognize how wrong they have been.

I liked this novel. Some readers might be skeptical of the portrayal of evil and its influence on willing people. Faubion's novel is a good wake up call to the reality of the spirit world and the influence on humans. The events at the end might have been a little predictable but other than that, a fine, thought provoking novel.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

I also reviewed an earlier book by Faubion and you can read my review of Friend Me.

About the Author

John Faubion was a foreign missionary in Vietnam, Guam and to the Chinese for nearly thirty years. Then a professional software engineer for more than twenty years after that.

He’s the father of five children, and lives in central Indiana with his wife.

More from John

Cancel Culture? This is worse.

All around us we see our culture changing, and not for the better. Sometimes it seems like all the voices we hear are filled with anger, hatred and intolerance.

There’s a reason for that:  They are all rooted (you guessed it) in anger, hatred and intolerance.

It was time to step back and look at what it’s like to be canceled, but from an entirely different source: The Supernatural.

The main character is a preacher, but one of those who does NOT believe in a supernatural god. He doesn’t know what he believes. But when he’s finally confronted with a supernatural experience he cannot deny, he finds that walking on the dark side is going to cost him his life.

The only solution, both for him and the one he falls in love with, is to know God, and get access to the supernatural weapons he never dreamed existed.

Blog Stops

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)


  1. Canceled sounds like a great book, thanks for sharing it with me! Thanks, Avid Reader, for sharing your review! Have a sunshiny day!

  2. I enjoyed reading your review, thank you for sharing about Canceled

  3. Joan, Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Canceled sounds like a page-turner.
