Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Not Your Child by Lis Angus Blog Tour


Not Your Child

by Lis Angus

April 1-30, 2022 Virtual Book Tour


When Ottawa psychologist and single mother Susan Koss discovers that a strange man has been following her twelve-year-old daughter Maddy, she fears he’s a predator. But it’s worse than that. The man, Daniel Kazan, believes Maddy is his granddaughter, abducted as a baby, and he’s obsessed with getting her back.

Susan insists on a DNA test to disprove Daniel’s claim, but the result is one she can’t understand or explain: it says she’s not Maddy’s mother.

Then Maddy vanishes. Susan’s convinced Daniel has taken her, but he has an alibi, and two searches of his house turn up nothing. The hunt is on—police are on full mobilization, and Susan fears the worst.

My Review:

This novel is an engaging thriller. Angus tells the story from different viewpoints so we get the tension Susan feels when a stranger claims Maddy, Susan's daughter, is his missing granddaughter. We also sense the frustration in Daniel when he pursues the girl he is sure is his long lost granddaughter. We even get snippets of Maddy's feeling as she is confused by events. While we do get the multiple viewpoints of events, only Susan's is in first person. That made reading the novel less complex than it could have been.

Angus provides continuing psychological suspense as we do not know for quite some time whether Susan or Daniel should have rightful claim to Maddy. We also learn about DNA testing and I was introduced to a new concept in particular respect to the accuracy of maternity verification. I liked how Angus explored the concept of parenting a child as opposed to controlling one. There is a great twist at the very end too.

I liked this engaging novel of psychological tension. The characters were well crafted and the plot moved along at a consistently fast pace. I will be looking for more from Angus.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Book Details:

Genre: Suspense
Published by: The Wild Rose Press
Publication Date: April 18, 2022
Number of Pages: 308
ISBN: 978-1-5092-4118-7
Book Links: ( | Barnes & Noble | AppleBooks | Goodreads

Read an excerpt:

As I was putting on my coat, the doorbell rang. I looked out the window.

What the hell?

Daniel Kazan stood on my doorstep.

I went cold. How dare he? I flung open the door. “What are you doing here?” I exploded.

Confronting him, I saw that he was a few inches taller than me, and exuded a tense energy that raised my hackles. He raised his hands, palms out, a placating expression on his face. As if he were trying to calm me down or reassure me.

“I just want to talk to Hannah. I came early to catch her, before she leaves for school.”

I squared my shoulders. “Get out of here! You've been told to stay away from us!”

His face was in shadow. “I think it’s fair to want to see Hannah. I’ve waited a long time.”

The guy is nuts. “She’s not Hannah—she’s my daughter. Maddy.”

“You’re keeping her from me.” He was leaning toward me, and I had to keep from falling back. I couldn’t let myself seem weak. If he thought he’d intimidated me, what would be his next move?

My heart pounded. My hands were curled tight, my nails biting into my palms. “Damn right I’m keeping her from you. Now get off my porch before I call the police!”

What if he wouldn’t leave? I should call for help—but my phone was inside, and I didn’t want to leave him on the porch unattended.


Excerpt from Not Your Child by Lis Angus. Copyright 2022 by Lis Angus. Reproduced with permission from Lis Angus. All rights reserved.


Author Bio:

Lis Angus is a Canadian suspense writer. Early in her career, she worked with children and families in crisis; later she worked as a policy advisor, business writer and editor while raising two daughters. She now lives south of Ottawa with her husband.

Catch Up With Lis:
BookBub - @lisangusauthor
Instagram - lisangus459
Twitter - @lisangus1
Facebook - @lisangusauthor


Tour Participants:

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I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Partners in Crime Virtual Book Tours. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Partners in Crime Virtual Book Tours.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)


  1. Thanks for the review. This one is already on my wish list!

  2. Thank you for the great review! I liked that you picked up on the parenting-issue theme that runs through the novel.
