Monday, April 25, 2022

Things That Matter by Joshua Becker

If you were to die today, what one thing would you be most disappointed you did not complete? (123/3445) Do you want to get off the easy path of the ordinary and immediate and get onto “a more intentional path that leads to a life that satisfies, and resonates beyond your own mortal existence – a life lived well”? (95/3445)

Becker has given us a good book to help us live a life that matters, with fewer regrets. He writes about finding our purpose, including an exercise investigating our passions and abilities, combining them with meeting the needs of others. He explores the obstacles to a life that matters and helps with strategies to remove them. I like his emphasis on self examination, helping us identify things that keep us from being our best self. I like his reminding us, “Selfless living results in greater overall life satisfaction.” (1120/3445)

Becker is passionate about minimalism and it shows in this book. He helps us see how having less stuff really allows us to go after our highest pursuits. He encourages us to be contributing people rather than consuming ones. He suggests we share our journey with others, not keeping hidden our insights to a better life.

This is a good book to help us live life with greater intention and fewer regrets. It's not easy. It may take a technology detox. It may take serious self examination regarding time, focus, and energy wasters.

If you are willing to make the best of your remaining years, this book will help you get on the right path.

You can watch the book trailer and read an excerpt here.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Joshua Becker is the bestselling author of books on minimalism. He is the founder and editor of Becoming Minimalist, a website dedicated to intentional living. His blog was named by SUCCESS magazine as one of the top ten personal development websites on the internet. His writing has been featured in publications around the world. He is the creator of Simplify magazine and Simple Money magazine and is a contributing writer for Forbes. He is the founder of Hope Effect, a nonprofit organization concentrating on the care of orphans. He provides an online course, Uncluttered, having helped over 70,000 people declutter their homes and live more intentional lives centered on what matters most. He also has an app, Clutterfree, providing a room by room strategy. He and his wife have two teenaged kids and live in Peoria, Arizona. You can find out more at

WaterBrook, 256 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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