Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Restored Grace by Kathleen J Robison Blog Tour

About the Book


Book: Restored Grace

Author: Kathleen J. Robison

Genre: Christian Romantic Suspense

Release date: June 21, 2022

They promised Jesus would be with her through everything, but is that enough?

Free-spirited vintage thrift shop owner, Carol Scape, wallowed in grief after her boyfriend’s murder. However, with newfound faith, she’s finding out what it means to die-to-self and put others first. Even if it could cost her life.

Carol is on a mission to save a runaway teen and an at-risk girl from Will Boudreaux, the man just released from jail for running a prostitution ring. The same man who previously terrorized Bay Town residents. Can’t the town get a break? Can’t she?

She’s up for the challenge, but when sparks ignite between her and the town mayor, it muddles things. Having sworn off men, he’s getting in the way of what she feels she must do. Or is he?

Restored Grace is the second book of the Bay Town Series, continuing one year after Shattered Guilt. It’s a stand-alone, amped-up, romantic suspense. Buckle your seat belt. You’re in for a ride.

Click here to get your copy!

My Review

This is the second novel in a series but dealt with a different major character so read relatively well on its own. The main character, Carol, is a new Christian. Her actions and thoughts are a good exploration of the struggles a new Christian endures when a sinful past keeps rearing its ugly head. Carol was really rough around the edges and I had to keep reminding myself that she was a new Christian and still finding her way into right living.

As in the first novel in the series, this one has a plot that centers on human trafficking. Carol fights the battle against an evil man in somewhat unorthodox ways, much to the dismay of those around her and law enforcement. Because of her past, Carol also struggles with the possibility of romance. It is only by God's grace she can find her way to a life restored to its full possibilities.

I found Robison's writing style a little hard to follow at times. Carol always screamed, never yelled. Other than a few quirky things like that, this was a good novel highlighting a tough woman being renewed by God's grace.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

You can read my review of the first book in the series, Shattered Guilt.


About the Author

Kathleen J. Robison is an Okinawan-American, born in Okinawa, and raised in California, Florida, Mississippi, and Singapore. Her travels and her family are the sources of her inspiration for her books. Kathleen and her Pastor husband have eight adult children. Seven are married, blessing them with eighteen grandchildren and counting. Her ethnically diverse background extends to her family of currently thirty-five personalities which provide many opportunities to share God’s amazing love amidst the challenges of real life.

More from Kathleen

I love writing inspirational romantic suspense featuring heroic women. In Restored Grace, Carol Scape embodies my efforts. She’s impulsive, she’s wild, she’s crazy…and she’s back. With a newfound faith in Christ, she tackles the bad guy with a style all her own.

The main character in Restored Grace is a favorite of mine. In fact, I brought her back from Book One because my Library Critique Group loved her so much. When I read a chapter from Shattered Guilt, where Carol plays a minor role, the Branch Manager Librarian laughed and quipped, “I know women just like her, and you nailed her perfectly!”

Perhaps in some ways, I secretly (I guess it’s not a secret now) wish I was her. Impulsive, the life of the party, indifferent to what people think about her, and confident in her skin. Carol is 50ish, pleasantly curvy, a boho-chic hippie with long wavy, graying, red hair that constantly tangles in her arms, and others because she moves so quickly. She wears lots of loud, jingly jewelry, and always puts on her prettiest face (with light makeup but tempted to use a heavy hand). And I love her fashion style. Colorful swirling, tiered skirts, cowboy boots, peasant tops, and fringed shawls. If I was taller, I’d love to carry that off, so I let my alter ego, Carol Scape do it for me.

Yet, in some ways, women like her used to drive me crazy. They walk into a room, and in minutes their larger-than-life personalities can’t help but draw attention. But I’m so thankful the Lord has humbled me, and if someone drives me crazy … I look at myself and see what I need to work on. Still, call it envy, expectations, or too much energy, but people like her exist, don’t they? And we must admit, they’re a lot of fun. Are you a Carol, or do you know a Carol? Either way, we’re called to love everyone. And the most important thing is caring about all people enough to be concerned for their eternity. I don’t mean judging, but sharing, encouraging, and pointing them to Jesus, whoever they may be and wherever they are in their walk.

Three particular things that I hope you’ll identify in the new Carol are her struggle with God’s grace, her selfless desire to help others, and her discovered confidence in Christ. The beauty of writing inspirational romantic suspense is bringing to life how real people, with real problems, struggle with their faith just like us, as we trust that the victory belongs to the Lord.

I hope you enjoy reading Restored Grace, and I hope you’re encouraged and inspired to receive and extend the precious grace of our Savior, Jesus, to all those whom God puts in your path…much like Carol.

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reder, July 27

Blossoms and Blessings, July 28 (Author Interview)

Debbie's Dusty Deliberations, July 28

Texas Book-aholic, July 29

Inklings and notions, July 30

For Him and My Family, July 31

A Baker’s Perspective, August 1 (Author Interview)

lakesidelivingsite, August 1

Locks, Hooks and Books, August 2

Because I said so -- and other adventures in Parenting, August 3

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, August 4

deb's Book Review, August 5

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, August 6

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, August 7

Blogging With Carol, August 8

Adventures of a Travelers Wife, August 9 (Author Interview)

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. <y comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)


  1. Thank you for sharing your review of Restored Grace, this sounds like a thrilling book and series that I am looking forward to reading

  2. Thank You for the review.

  3. I enjoy reading suspense books and this one sounds great, thanks for sharing

  4. Congratulations on your release of Restored Grace, Kathleen, your book sounds like a thrilling read for me to enjoy and I like the cover! Thanks for sharing it with me! Thanks for sharing your review, Avid Reader! Have a fabulous day!

  5. This sounds like an interesting book. Thank you for your review

  6. This sounds intense! I think I would enjoy reading it.

  7. This book sounds like such an intriguing read and I look forward to reading it soon!
