Wednesday, August 3, 2022

The Rubber Band: Slingshot Summer by Christy Hoss Blog Tour

About the Book

Book: The Rubber-Band: Slingshot Summer

Editor: Christy Hoss

Genre: Middle Grade

Release date: May, 2022

Separated from each other at rival camps by a shared lake, the bond of the Rubber Band is challenged. Lead guitar player, Eddie attends a rustic camp for diabetics while across the lake, the rest of the band is at a posh resort for elite rich people’s children, sponsored by lead singer, Becca. During the annual Olympics between camps, the sabotage of a high-stakes kayak race threatens to sink friendships. From the moment they step off the bus to the last day of goodbyes, it’s a non-stop, hilarious and fun-filled first time-at-camp experience for the guys all while Becca is bullied by a long-time rival. Although both summer camps bring new possibilities, will it strengthen the bond of the band and change hearts or stretch them apart?

Click here to get your copy!

My Review

Who doesn't have fond (or scary) memories of summer camp as a kid? Hoss has given us contrasting camp experiences. There is the fancy camp for rich kids. Rich Becca and her friends get a bus ride to the base of the lookout and beautiful view. Then there is the other camp, for diabetics. Eddie and others get to hike up the mountain to the lookout, checking their blood sugar along the way. I'd rather be with Eddie, sleeping under the stars.

The plot contains lots of issues young people experience, including jealousy and infatuation. There is even a trickster bent on doing as many practical jokes as he can. Along the way, friendships are tested.

Hoss provides another fun story for middle school readers, good for summer reading. I have been following the development of The Rubber Band and you can read my reviews of the earlier books: The Rubber Band, and The Rubber Band Stretches.

My rating: 4/5 stars.


About the Author

Christy caught the writing bug in second grade after winning a prize for a five-page story about her dog, Noodles. Mrs. Olson told her she was destined to be a writer and that dream never left her thoughts. After teaching elementary school for fifteen years, Christy fulfilled her childhood dream with her debut novel, The Rubber Band. She substitute teaches to support her writing career, deriving writing inspiration from the students and situations she encounters.

At age twenty-five, she was diagnosed with type-one diabetes but refuses to let it limit her. Her diabetic alert dog, Aiden, has saved her life uncountable times and will appear The Rubber Band Snaps, the fourth book in the series. Christy lives by this equation: Living + diabetes = LIVE-abetes.

Christy is a freelance editor and writes children’s Bible stories for Focus on the Family ClubHouse magazine and has written articles for Guideposts. She is a featured speaker for conferences, retreats and special events. Christy lives in eastern Tennessee with husband Kevin, the love of her life. They have three grown children.

The Rubber Band Slingshot Summer is the third book in The Rubber Band middle grade novel series by Christy Hoss.

More from Christy

If you have ever been to summer camp, I guarantee you will enjoy the Rubber Band’s newest adventure. It takes place at two camps across the lake from each other. Although this is a fictional story, some of it is based on reality. Bearskin Meadow Diabetes Camp does exist and some of the names I used are real people who have given me permission to honor them and what they do. Becca’s exaggerated outdoor adventure camp is, however, purely non-existent and based only on my imagination.

I couldn’t resist writing this light-hearted, fun-filled, nonstop adventure for the band but not without its serious message that I am hoping will encourage strength in my readers.

One week at Bible camp was always the highlight of my summer, giving me something to look forward to. The week always ended too soon for me. Fresh out of high school, I flew to Southern California and worked as a counselor for inner-city kids at a Salvation Army camp in Malibu. It was so much fun, I worked three more summers at various camps on the East Coast and then two more back in Malibu. It was inevitable I would write about the experiences one day.

If you want to experience the camp Eddie attends, check it out here:

In order to get to Bearskin Meadow, you must travel through Sequoia National Park. Take a sneak peek at its thousand-year-old trees here:

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, August 3

Library Lady's Kid Lit, August 4

Texas Book-aholic, August 5

Debbie's Dusty Deliberations, August 6

For Him and My Family, August 7

Inklings and notions, August 8

deb's Book Review, August 9

Locks, Hooks and Books, August 10

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, August 11

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, August 12

Lights in a Dark World, August 13

Because I said so -- and other adventures in Parenting, August 14

Blossoms and Blessings, August 15 (Author Interview)

 Vicky Sluiter, August 16 (Author Interview)

Book Zone Reviews, August 16

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit. 

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)


  1. Congratulations on your recent release of The Rubber-Band: Slingshot Summer, Christy, your book sounds like a great book to share with my grandkids! Good luck with your book and the tour! Thanks for sharing it with me! Thanks, Avid Reader, for sharing your review! Have a terrific day!

  2. Seems looks a good read.

  3. My niece would like this book.
    Thanks for the contest.

  4. Thanks for sharing, sounds like a great summer book to read to my son

  5. What an interesting book title-love it!

  6. It looks like a camp experience book with all the ups and downs of being with peers and away from home. I remember camp times and the fun we had with activities and making new friends.

  7. Thank y for sharing your review of The Rubber-Band: Slingshot Summer, this sounds like a wonderful book and series to share with my grandchildren

  8. This sounds like a great middle school read.

  9. I went back and read the book, I loved it!
