Sunday, September 25, 2022

Stop Waiting for Permission by Stephen Chandler

About the Book

We each have a unique purpose in this life, one embedded within us by the Creator of the universe before time began.

Yet we rarely experience this greatness because the glory of God within us is still waiting to be uncovered. So we spend our lives running after the wrong goals. Eventually we burn out and stop believing that God has any bigger plans for us in light of our past failures and false starts.
However, Stephen Chandler believes God created everyone, including you, for greatness . . . and doesn’t want anything to get in the way of that destiny.

In Stop Waiting for Permission, you’ll discover the keys to unlock your unique calling and activate your innate, God-given strengths by

• identifying what’s holding you back
• discovering your unique genius
• maximizing your God-given greatness
• living in your purpose with perseverance

The time to act is now! Stop waiting for permission.

You can watch the book trailer here.
You can start reading the book here.

My Review

Chandler wants you to be great, finding fulfillment in using your unique gifting. “This book will show you how to prepare your life for the greatness God has planned for you.” (153/2224) That's a tall order but Chandler comes through with encouragement, good teaching and practical ideas.

I was taken aback at first. Greatness? But Chandler convinced me, “Shooting for average and seeking mediocrity is ungodly.” (213/2224) We were created for so much more than we often experience, a fulfilled life.

I was happy to see that Chandler includes practical teaching, not leaving us on our own to figure out how to do what he encourages. He reviews the wrong things that drive us, like fear. He helps us discover our genius. He is also realistic. He tells us this will take time. Self discipline is required. There will be pain. Nonetheless, we will find our purpose, the reason God has put us on this earth. I like that Chandler clarifies our ultimate priority. We are to please God by loving Him and making time for Him.

I recommend this book to Christians who want to know what God has for them. You'll get good teaching and some practical strategy to get you on your life long journey of serving God.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

About the Author

Stephen Chandler
is the senior pastor of Union Church based in Maryland. Since 2011, Union has grown from a group of fifty to thousands of people in weekly attendance, with tens of thousands joining live online every week. Stephen’s obsession with people, systems, and culture resulted in Union Church being named the fastest-growing church in America by Outreach magazine. A sought-after international speaker, he is unapologetic about helping leaders maximize their God-given passion. Stephen’s true legacy is his wife, Zai, and their three beautiful children, Zoe, Roman, and Jade. You can find out more at

Waterbrook, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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