Sunday, October 2, 2022

Dead Sea Conspiracy by Jerry Jenkins

About the Book:

In this thrilling adventure, archaeologist Nicole Berman is about to discover the key to unifying three major religions—if a dangerous enemy doesn't stop her first.

Archaeologist Nicole Berman is the first woman to be awarded a permit to lead a dig in Saudi Arabia. Nicole believes what she hopes to discover has the power to to rewrite world history. She assembles a team that will ultimately surprise – and in some cases – betray her. 

In a parallel storyline, readers are launched back to ancient Ur where young Abram is sent to learn from his forebears, who tell him firsthand stories of being on the ark during the Great Flood. 

My Review:

This is the second in a series by Jenkins. I was disappointed there was not more of a recap of the first in the series since it was released four years ago. You can read my review of it, Dead Sea Rising.

This is a dual time novel, a contemporary archaeological dig alternating with the enhanced biblical story of Terah and Abram. I had some trouble with the ancient story line. Jenkins adds a great deal to what is found in the Bible. Terah works for Nimrod, has some very questionable interactions with God, received the promise of Abram becoming an exalted father (rather than Abram receiving the promise himself), and travels at least 3,500 miles to Canaan, where he had sent his wife and ten year old Abram and then travels the 3,500 miles back with them, all apparently in a chariot. All of this is truly fiction and I thought unnecessary for the contemporary story to have relevance. I would tremble at putting words in God's mouth and Jenkins does it with abandon.

I had mixed feelings with the contemporary story. On the positive side, we learn some about the different views Christians and Muslims have on Genesis. We also get good information on how an archaeological dig is done, though not so much on how it is organized because this one falls very short there. Nicole is an odd character. She should be smart as she is very educated. Yet, as she says of herself, “I've been so stupid.” (3311/3358) And she should be wary of her own safety. Her mother had been attacked and then died suddenly while on the mend. (Ever think of murder?) But Nicole trusts unknown people with abandon. As she later says, “How could I have been so blind?” (3201/3358) I had difficulty liking and engaging with Nicole.

There was an unbelievable scene in the contemporary story where a person gives a lengthy account of their conversion to becoming a Christ follower in a setting where Muslim officials are in charge of the small meeting. I just do not think that would happen. And another problem with the contemporary story is that no one saved information to the cloud, to servers back home? I cannot imagine scientists doing work in a contrary culture being so stupid.

There are just too many issues with this novel for me to be enthusiastic about it.

My rating: 3/5 stars.

About the Author:

Jerry B. Jenkins' books have sold more than 72 million copies. Twenty-one of his titles have reached the New York Times, USA Today, Publishers Weekly, and Wall Street Journal best-seller lists. The phenomenally best-selling Left Behind series inspired a movie starring Nicolas Cage. Jenkins has been featured on the cover of Newsweek and his writing has appeared in Time, Reader's Digest, Guideposts, and dozens of other periodicals. Jenkins owns the Jerry Jenkins Writers Guild coaching thousands of aspiring writers in both fiction and nonfiction. He and his wife, Dianna, have three grown sons and live in Colorado. (

Worthy Publishers, 320 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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