Friday, November 11, 2022

A Christmas Candy Killing by Christina Romeril Book Review

About the Book:

Identical twin sisters Alex and Hannah are the owners of Murder and Mayhem, a mystery bookshop that sells their famous poison-themed Killer Chocolates. But now, there’s a 
real killer in their midst. Shortly before Christmas, their septuagenarian neighbor, Jane, confides to Alex that a murderer from a true-crime show has taken up residence in the village. Unfortunately, she’s also shared her suspicions with town gossip Netta. The next morning, Alex shows up at Jane’s house to watch the show, but instead discovers Jane's body, with a box of Killer Chocolates nearby.
The sheriff quickly zeroes in on two suspects: Alex, a beneficiary in Jane’s will, and Zack, a handyman who was seen leaving the crime scene. But Alex maintains her innocence and sets out to draft a list of other potential suspects—townsfolk who’d recently been seen arguing with Jane.
When Alex gets hold of Jane’s journal, she begins to understand the truth. But a bearer of ill tidings is arriving early this year—and Alex just might not make it to Christmas.

My Review:

This is a fun cozy mystery with emphasis on cozy. There is really no gruesome details at all and no suspense until the very end. It is a good debut effort. It will appeal to readers who like bookstore settings as the heroine owns one. It will also appeal to foodies as delicious candies are involved, some deadly though not by initial design.

Romeril's writing style is good and kept me engaged. There is mostly an emphasis on character discussion, such as trying to find out one's history, in the course of amateur sleuthing. There are plenty of suspects and a few red herrings to keep the mystery going. And I was happy to see recipes included for the most delicious sounding treats.

This will be an author to watch for more tantalizing cozy mysteries.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Author:

Christina Romeril
is the author of A CHRISTMAS CANDY KILLING, her debut novel and the first in the Killer Chocolate Mystery series. The series is set in Montana at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, one of her favorite places to visit. She and her husband live a few hours away in a small village in Southern Alberta. When Christina isn’t writing she loves to hike in Waterton Lakes National Park, or just hang out there eating gourmet hot dogs and ice cream. Christina is a former banker and the daughter of German immigrants. Any similarity between her family and her fictional characters is purely coincidental. You can find out more about her at

Crooked Lane Books, 304 pages

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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