Sunday, November 13, 2022

A Thousand Tomorrows by Karen Kingsbury Book Review

About the Book:

Cody Gunner has no use for real love. Abandoned as a child by the person he needed the most, he swears he will never allow himself to love again. Ali Daniels denies love as well. Carrying a terrible secret, she lives life to the fullest, taking risks and refusing relationships. When Cody and Ali meet, their first instincts are to hide behind their emotional walls, seemingly doomed to repeat the patterns they have established of roost of their lives. But their attraction is too strong, and soon they’re doomed in another way, for neither can avoid falling in love, regardless of the consequences. Only after three years–a thousand tomorrows later–do they realize at what cost their relationship comes. In the end, they must decide if love is worth the ultimate price.

You can read an excerpt here.

My Review:

It has been a while since I read a book by Kingsbury and reading this one reminded me of what a great author she is. This edition is a media release of the novel originally published in 2005 because it will soon be a TV min-series. There is also a bonus chapter new to this edition.

The novel is a touching story so be sure to have your box of tissues nearby. Kingsbury addresses a number of issues in the plot. Cody is a bull rider and we get a glimpse into a possible motive for participating in such a dangerous sport. For Cody, riding a bull is symbolic of of his familiar battle with anger and rage. He does not want to be open to love because he knows if he allowed it he would lose his winning edge of bitterness and anger.

Another issue is experiencing the agonizing disease of Cystic Fibrosis. For Ali, the question is loving something so much, feeling so alive, is it worth risking life to continue doing it? How do you live life to the fullest knowing you are going to die? Kingsbury includes an additional side issue of accepting and loving a Down syndrome child.

The novel may be a predictable love story but it is well written and engaging. The faith message is subtle so this novel would appeal to readers who would not identify themselves as Christians. It is a good but tragic story of unconditional love.

My rating: 5/5 stars.


About the Author:

Karen Kingsbury
 is a #1 New York Times bestselling author of over 60 works of fiction and nonfiction with nearly 25 million copies in print. Widely considered America's favorite inspirational novelist, she is best known for drawing unforgettable characters and stories which evoke a range of emotions. Karen reaches over 100,000 women annually through national speaking appearances. She and her husband, Don, currently reside in Nashville, TN.

Worthy Publishing, 272 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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