Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Doomed Legacy by Matt Coyle Book Review

About the Book

A sinister private detective agency, a shady shell corporation, and a dead friend—Rick Cahill is on his most dangerous mission yet.

Private investigator Rick Cahill has been running from his past and chasing the truth his whole life. But his past is relentless—and so is his CTE, a disease caused by repeated head traumas that has attacked his body and his mind. As his CTE progresses, he realizes that the disease not only threatens his life but also endangers his family’s wellbeing.

As Rick struggles to keep his family together, he does a favor for Sara Bhandari, a business contact. Then, Sara is murdered, and the police believe her to be yet another victim of a serial rapist who has been terrorizing greater San Diego. But Rick has reason to question their theory. Determined to find the truth at any cost, and against his wife’s warnings, he investigates on his own.

Along the way, he bumps up against a sinister private investigative agency and a shady shell corporation that may be hiding more than company secrets. As Rick digs for the truth about Sara’s death, he risks his own life and the lives of countless innocents caught in his relentless crusade. Ultimately, Rick must decide if his quest is worth the risk of losing his family forever.


My Review

This novel focuses more on the character of the PI, Rick, than it does on the investigation. Rick has had an anger problem because of his brain injuries and it is getting worse. His marriage is in jeopardy because of his uncontrolled anxiety about his daughter. He hasn't been honest with his wife about his condition. His anger threatens to harm his investigation too. Rick also seems a little dense at the beginning of this investigation although he does put the information together eventually.

This is a novel for readers who like one focusing on the character of a committed but flawed hero. It is the ninth in a series about Rick but does read relatively well on its own. There is a good exploration of the personality changes possible from repeated brain injury. Coyle's writing style is good and the pace moves along pretty well.

My rating: 4/5 stars.


About the Author

Matt Coyle is the author of the best-selling Rick Cahill crime novels. He knew he wanted to be a crime writer when he was fourteen and his father gave him the simple art of murder by Raymond Chandler. He graduated with a degree in English from University of California at Santa Barbara. His foray into crime fiction was delayed for thirty years as he spent time managing a restaurant, selling golf clubs for various golf companies, and in national sales for a sports licensing company.

Matt lives in San Diego, where he is writing his tenth crime novel. 

Oceanview publishing, 320 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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