Monday, December 5, 2022

Untrustworthy by Bonnie Kristian Book Review

I have mixed emotions about this book. I highly agree with Kristian that we are in the midst of a knowledge crisis. People accept statements without documentation and criticize those who want evidence for a proposed truth. We don't even agree on the method for finding the truth. And, as Kristian says, this problem has infiltrated the church.

Unfortunately, this book, while it is great in what Kristian says, it is not something my friend who reposts thoughtlessly would ever read. It is way too academic and not friendly to the common reader. This book may well be read by a pastor and then preached about. Otherwise I don't know how the people who really need the information included will get it.

Here are some of the highlights of the book. I appreciate Kristian reminding readers, “...Christian faithfulness does require sincere pursuit of truth in love.” (557/4336) She explores news sources, admitting that most have a bias. She covers the lure of “fake news.” She reminds us the explosive nature of words and that Christians are to put on kindness and respond with love. Christians should refuse to be part of the vindictiveness. She includes ideas on how to deal with conspiracy thinking. I like that she suggests we be intellectually honest people, asking ourselves whether we believe something because it is well-documents or because we just want it to be true. Further suggestions include eliminating social media apps and turning off cable news, rather choosing reliable sources. She also suggests reading about logical fallacies but offers no instruction herself.

I wanted this book to be something the average Christian could read and from it glean some practical ways to evaluate statements and claims. I wanted a strategy for how one would go about determine the truth of a media post. While Kristian has provided an excellent analysis of the problem, there is a lack of applicability for the average Christian.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Bonnie Kristian is a theological and political writer with a national following. She is the weekend editor at The Week and a foreign policy fellow at Defense Priorities, and her work has appeared at Time MagazineCNNPoliticoUSA TodayRelevant MagazineThe HillChristianity Today, and the American Conservative, among other outlets.

Brazos Press, 233 pages.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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