Saturday, January 7, 2023

Misfire by Tammy Euliano Book Review

About the Book:

A device that can save a life is also one that can end it

Kadence, a new type of implanted defibrillator, misfires in a patient visiting University Hospital for a routine medical procedure—causing the heart rhythm problem it’s meant to correct. Dr. Kate Downey, an experienced anesthesiologist, resuscitates the patient, but she grows concerned for a loved one who recently received the same device—her beloved Great-Aunt Irm.

When a second device misfires, Kate turns to Nikki Yarborough, her friend and Aunt Irm’s cardiologist. Though Nikki helps protect Kate’s aunt, she is prevented from alerting other patients by the corporate greed of her department chairman. As the inventor of the device and part owner of MDI, the company he formed to commercialize it, he claims that the device misfires are due to a soon-to-be-corrected software bug. Kate learns his claim is false.

The misfires continue as Christian O’Donnell, a friend and lawyer, comes to town to facilitate the sale of MDI. Kate and Nikki are drawn into a race to find the source of the malfunctions, but threats to Nikki and a mysterious murder complicate their progress. Are the seemingly random shocks misfires, or are they attacks?

A jaw-dropping twist causes her to rethink everything she once thought she knew, but Kate will stop at nothing to protect her aunt and the other patients whose life-saving devices could turn on them at any moment.


My Review:

The plot may not be unique. I have read other novels with the theme of someone hacking into an implanted medical device with the purpose of murder. This novel adds the serious ethical issue of corporate profits verses patient safety. Also, Euliano provides much medical information, evidence of her own medical career.

Kate's personal life has a good portion of the story. We read quite a bit about a potential romance, something difficult for Kate because of the recent death of her husband. There are other relationships rounding out the personal aspect of the novel.

While this is not a page turning novel, it did keep my interest until the end. It is a good novel for readers who like plots based on the latest medical technology.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

This is the second novel from Euliano featuring Dr. Kate Downey. You can read my review of Fatal Intent here.

About the Author:

Tammy Euliano
 completed all of her training at the University of Florida, from undergrad through fellowship, and has been on faculty since 1996. She specializes in obstetric anesthesia, with special interest in education of medical students and residents. She has authored a basic textbook of anesthesia for medical students. She was promoted to full professor and later decided to resign her administrative role, reduce her clinical time to 60% and began writing fiction. You can find out more at

Oceanview Publishing, 368 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)