Sunday, January 22, 2023

Something Greater by Jentezen Franklin Book Review

What a refreshing book. We often complain about where God has placed us. Many authors might encourage moving on to find God's blessing. But Franklin is clear. If you know God has placed you where you are, look for the diamonds God is creating in your circumstances, even, or especially, if they are difficult. If God has called you to a particular relationship, job, or place, “no matter how unfruitful it may look to you – stay right there.” (68)

Franklin gives inspiring examples of people who persevered in difficult circumstances and ultimately succeeded. God has called you where you are for a purpose, Franklin writes. (98) What is important is not what is happening to you, he says, but rather what is happening in you. (135) He has good teaching on how to stay victoriously where God has placed you, surviving the difficulties.

If we know Jesus and are known by Him, that is the greatest blessing we could ever have. (159) We can focus on what God is doing right now, in these circumstances. We do not have to look elsewhere. We can have an attitude of expectation to see what God is going to do but at the same time realize the blessings we have right now.

This is a good book for believers who need to be encouraged to thrive where they are, knowing that God has called them to that place, even if with difficult circumstances.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Read an excerpt here.

Previously published in 2020 under the title Acres of Diamonds.

Jentezen Franklin ( is the senior pastor of Free Chapel, a multicampus church with a global reach. His messages influence generations through digital media, his televised broadcast, Kingdom Connection, and outreaches that put God's love and compassion into action. Jentezen is also a New York Times bestselling author who speaks at conferences worldwide. He and his wife, Cherise, live in Gainesville, Georgia, and have five children and four grandchildren. Photo Credit: © Meshali Mitchell

Chosen , 288 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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