Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Free Indeed by Doc Roberts and Jeff Weiss

About the Book:

Free Indeed is a lifelong Biblical structured program that explains our sinful, nature and how we can become FREE INDEED from this nature through Jesus Christ.

This title is used in Tennessee's prison system ministries and with many other groups and organizations.

My Review:

The authors have created a ten lesson program with a view to leading people to Christ, the only One who can set people free. This workbook is good for people unfamiliar with Christian belief or who are new Christians wanting to understanding the basics. The lessons cover the main concepts, such as the sinful condition of man, the role of belief, admitting and confessing sins, committing to Jesus, forgiveness, developing a relationship with God, sharing a testimony, and knowing God.

Each lesson has a teaching section including an acronym of the major principle. While the acronyms seem forced, they do help readers remember the material. There is plenty of space for note taking and there are study questions for each lesson with space for recording answers.

There were times when I was a little puzzled by statements. An example is, “The gospel of Jesus Christ is not God's solution to our sin problem.” (144) The authors say a little more about the difference between knowledge and knowing but I was still puzzled with that statement.

The material is straightforward and might be best understood in the context of a small group led by a seasoned Christian. It is basic in its information so is suitable for an introduction to Christianity type of group. Since some of the material might be a little puzzling, a knowledgeable group leader would be beneficial.

My rating: 4/5 stars.


About the Authors:

Doc Roberts was born December 13, 1954. Because his father left before he was born, Doc was raise by a single mother, who would later marry three times and have four more children. Being the oldest and without fatherly supervision, Doc learn life on the streets of Indianapolis, IN.

Doc’s mother died of cancer at 54 years old. Since his mother’s death in 1991, Doc searched for life’s purpose through many means and religions. But all he achieved was false hope while being addicted to drugs or alcohol.

Then in 2011, Doc met Jesus in his garage. He came up and out of that encounter a new creation. He is now an ordained minister and has served the Lord in many capacities; three overseas mission trips, has a BA in Christian Counseling, Celebrate Recovery leader, local jail ministry and Kairos prison ministry. His current focus is on spiritual warfare.

Although Jeff Weiss grew up attending church, it wasn't until he was 44 that he began a personal relationship with Jesus Christ that changed his life. At 59, he sees the last 15 years as a supernatural blur. He has often witnessed the love of Christ produce miracles in his and others' lives. He passionately loves Jesus and is determined to share that love with everyone he meets. 

International mission work, jail and prison ministries led him to the Free Indeed study. He believes the first chapter in Free Indeed, "There is a God, and it is not you," will help change your life as it has his. He mentors and teaches the principles in this inspiring program several times weekly.

He is married to Renee'. They have two daughters and three grandchildren.

Independently published, 222 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through a publicity company. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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