Thursday, February 9, 2023

The Inner Path of Writing by Caryl Westmore Book Review

If you are like so many people, you feel you want to write a book. Perhaps you've put it off forever. Perhaps you've started but now feel blocked. Westmore provides lots of valuable information about habits, useful tools, mindsets, and more to persevere in writing. This book is more of a psychological approach to be free of whatever is keeping you from writing. She has tips from a number of successful authors. Seeing writer's block as founded in past trauma and memories, she includes a number of strategies from people who have designed successful methods in overcoming them. She includes her own techniques, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Tapping and Matrix Reimprinting. She also has a section on physical well-being.

One insight I particularly appreciated is the distinction between inner and outer success. Outer success may includes actually publishing and selling your book. Inner success, however, is that feeling of being inspired, of writing with pleasure and passion. It is feeling you are in a satisfying calling.

Westmore has collected the information from many sources, providing key points in nuggets of practical suggestions. I think there is something for everyone in this book. If you don't like one of the ideas, there are many more from which to draw practical insight. There are links to free resources in the ebook I read, including a free book and explanatory videos.

You can watch Westmore explain her EFT Tapping here.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Caryl Westmore specializes in showing readers (and clients) how to break free fast from feeling stuck so they can manifest their juicy dreams and goals - more love, joy, creativity, money, health and happiness.

She is the podcast host of “Write the Book Inside You” and author of acclaimed energy psychology books like the EFT Tapping Magic series.

She specializes in helping clients to BREAK-FREE FAST from inner blocks, beliefs and past traumas sabotaging their dreams and goals to write a book, make more money, go from single to soulmate love. You can find out more at

Break Free Fast Publishing, 230 pages.

I received a complementary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

1 comment:

  1. Heartfelt thanks for this outstanding review that really captures the essence of what I was aiming to do with this book. I truly believe it will help writers win their "inner game" to enjoy more "outer success." And the contributors deserve to be honored for their wisdom.
