Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Take Every Thought Captive by Kelly Balarie Book Review

About the Book:

Is the battle in your mind raging? Here is how to win it.

Your thought life determines your whole life. The enemy wants you chained to hopeless, powerless, and worthless thoughts so you don't trust your victorious God. Do you ever think, I can't do this . . . I'll never be . . . I'm not good enough . . . There is no way . . . ?

The enemy lies, but what supersedes those lies is truth. Truth, when seized, has the power to speak louder than fear, insecurity, and worry. Only by exchanging the lies of the enemy for the mind of Christ will your mind become truly rewired, renewed, and transformed.

In Take Every Thought Captive, Kelly Balarie shows you how to
· immediately recognize the lies of the enemy
· effectively replace those lies with God's truth
· continually connect with the mind of Christ
· proactively recognize schemes of the enemy before they start

Your mind doesn't have to hold you back any longer; God's truth has all power to set you free.

You can read an excerpt here.

My Review:

As Christians, we know we have the mind of Christ. We know we are to renew our minds. I have read many books encouraging me in those areas. This is the first book I have read that actually has a practical plan to really work on controlling my thoughts and renewing my mind. And if we don't quite get the teaching, Balarie gives several examples of how the process works.

She has a stop/start strategy. She helps us learn how to capture the thought and identify the underlying belief. She then helps identify the speaker, God, the enemy, or our flesh. We think about what maintaining this thought would ultimately produce. Then we start doing something new, submitting to the mind of Christ, see what door we opened to lead to this thought, repent, renounce, and pray. Then she helps us go a new way and shows us how to guard our heart and mind for the future. She provides a worksheet at her website to help us specifically work through this process.

This is a great book. I highly recommend it. It is the most enlightening and practical one I have read on renewing our mind.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

About the Author:

Kelly Balarie is the author of Fear Fighting, Battle Ready, and Rest Now. When speaking at women's conferences around the nation, Kelly delights in joining hands with women as they go through life's ups and downs. To see marriages restored, hope recovered, and prayers of faith lifted up to a God on the move are some of her greatest joys. Beyond this, Kelly has led spiritual growth Bible study groups and has been seen on TODAY, The 700 Club, Crosswalk.com, iBelieve.com, and (in)courage. Her work has also been featured by Relevant and Today's Christian Woman. She lives with her husband and two kiddos on the East Coast. Photo Credit: Becca Hofmann Photography

Baker Books, 256 pages.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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