Sunday, May 14, 2023

I Chose You by Carmen Leal Blog Tour Book Review

About the Book:

For every pet parent who knows there's no such thing as 'just a dog,' this collection of uplifting glimpses into the lives of ordinary-turned-extraordinary dogs and the people who love them is a tail-wagging good read.

Thanks to the rescue dog who saved her life after a traumatic brain injury, Carmen Leal went from saying she'd never have a dog to becoming an advocate for man's best friend. Carmen volunteered at the local rescue shelter by writing bios and social media posts, applying for grants, and helping to save and re-home over 6,500 dogs from a high-kill shelter. This endearing anthology includes stories that celebrate the bond between canines and humans including:

Buddy the beagle who went from living chained under a porch to becoming the town's only therapy dog

Heavenly Joy, the frightened Chihuahua who changed the life of a grumpy old man

Bogey, an abandoned mixed-breed trained by prison inmates and adopted by his forever family

I Chose You is a collection of memorable, beautifully written stories of dogs rescued by people and, ultimately, people rescued by dogs. If you like four-legged friends and happy endings, you'll love Carmen Leal's touching collection of heart-warming stories.

Fetch a copy of I Chose You, the feel-good book that resonates with anyone who has ever loved a dog.

Publisher: EABooks Publishing

ISBN-10: 1955309035

ISBN-13: 978-1955309035

Print Copy Pages: 264 pages

Purchase a copy of I Chose You on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or You can also add this to your GoodReads reading list.

My Review:

This is a great collection of stories about dogs. There is the support dog, assisting in healing from trauma after an accident. There are stories about rescue dogs, about renaming dogs, loving a dog when it has been mistreated, dogs with bad behavior, and many more. Most of the stories are very touching but there are a few with humor too. And then there are the heart wrenching ones of letting go. A variety of authors are included so this collection has a wide variety of stories emphasizing rescue dogs.

If you like inspiring stories featuring canine friends, you will like this collection. Unconditional love, companionship, emotional healing, these stories show how rescue dogs can be be the greatest of companions. As Leal says, “You can't buy love, but you can find it in shelters around the country.” (235)

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Author:

Carmen Leal is a storyteller and the author of multiple books, articles, devotionals, and human-interest stories. Carmen relocated from Hawaii to Oshkosh, yes, there is a story behind the move, and has become an awesome dog mom. Carmen and her husband have become reluctant gardeners and know a crazy amount about Wisconsin weeds. She is the mother of two sons, two incredible grandsons, and Coconut, the best imperfectly perfect rescue dog in the world. Learn more about Carmen and Coconut by visiting

Find the author online: (more to come)

Wagaway Publishing, 264 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book through WOW! Women on Writing. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your review and for featuring my book on my blog tour. I do appreciate it!
