Thursday, August 10, 2023

The Ghost Writer by L G Nixon Blog Tour Book Review

About the Book

Book: The Ghost Writer, book two

Author: LG Nixon

Genre: Young Adult Fiction/Religious/Christian Fantasy/Mysteries & Detective Stories

Release Date: December, 2021

Ghost hunters, Lucy Hornberger and Schuyler Williams, are chasing ghosts through their school. As they vanquish one ghost, another ghost appears, and Lucy gets blamed for the destruction. She soon learns someone has been cursed, but who?

Darnathian and his Irredaemon forces are still after the Lucy’s artifact, called the Spectrescope. It allows her to see and track spirits. It also hides the Spirit Sword that vanquishes the daemons. Darnathian is determined to learn the source of the Spectrescope’s ancient magic, unlock its secrets and find the Life Tree. If he can eliminate Lucy Hornberger, all the better.

Using the power of the magical artifacts that were in the trunk she purchased from the vendor at the flea market, Lucy and Schuyler must end the hauntings, break the curse, protect the Spectrescope, and do it all without getting expelled from school.

Click here to get your copy!

My Review

This is the second and another good book for middle and high school readers from The Issachar Gatekeeper series. Lucy, age thirteen, and her friend continue to battle evil spiritual beings so there is plenty of action in this novel. Readers will be introduced to some spiritual warfare concepts such as a person being heavily influenced by demons and the power of proclaiming the High King's truth to those demons. We are also told about the reality of changes that occur when a person commits to the High King. Lucy has done so but Schuyler still needs to make the commitment.

Nixon has created a spiritual realm that is a suitable combination of fantasy and Christian truth. We experience the High King, creator of the universe, and His son. The basic principles are Christian but there is enough imagination from Nixon to make the plot interesting to young readers. Bible passages and biblical truths are subtly inserted. The main message of this novel, I think, is the cost one must be willing to bear in fighting evil.

I like Nixon's writing style. The plot moves at a good pace. There is a little humor and some snappy dialogue. There is a good balance of thrilling action, the personal life of Lucy, and Christian principles. Nixon has added notes at the end of the book to help readers understand the reality and nature of angels and God. She also lists the Scripture references used in the story, a great help for parents.

There will be at least one more in this series and I'll be looking for it.  

My rating: 5/5 stars.

You can read me review of the first book in the series, The Ghost of Darwin Stewart.

About the Author

Meet LG Nixon, author, coffee connoisseur, motorcycle enthusiast, and collector of strange artifacts. With her zany imagination, she fuses a page-turning fantasy with a haunting theme and turns it into a spirit filled adventure with quirky and likable characters. After a long career, she left the workplace behind and turned to writing. Her stories are lighthearted but carry an underlying message of the importance of a Biblical worldview. She researches and writes full-time from her home in Michigan where she prowls the night star gazing and watching for a supernatural event. LG loves to ski, ride motorcycles, travel, and fly small planes; but no bungee jumping, thank you very much.

More from LG Nixon

I’ve always had zany and quirky imagination. Growing up in a creaky old house with a grandmother who told stories of ghostly visitations, I was curious. As a child, I filled journals with mystery and detective stories.

These days I write about ghosts and spirits to entertain, and use scripture as dialogue to portray God’s love and forgiveness, our hope of redemption, and the reality of a supernatural dimension just beyond our perception.

Why would a Christian author write about ghosts? Because scripture is filled with ghosts and spirits, angels, and demons along with some amazing creatures. God uses incredible imagery to capture our imagination and draw us deeper into His word. I love to study scripture because I always find new truths that go beyond the scope of imagination.

My writing has grown from my love for Jesus and a desire to share my faith with hope and encouragement. The Issachar Gatekeeper series is designed to show young adults in a fun, adventurous way the impact Christian principles can have on their lives and to deepen their understanding of the world around them.

Our heroine, Lucy, has a wonderful neighbor, Mrs. McGoo, who always comes through to save the day with her delicious chocolate chip cookies. Lucy’s best friend, Schuyler Williams, says, “A really good chocolate chip cookie is nearly a spiritual experience, don’t you think?” So, we are sharing this recipe with you so you can sit, relax, and share some with a friend. Enjoy!

Blog Stops

Texas Book-aholic, August 3

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, August 4

For the Love of Literature, August 5 (Author Interview)

The Lit Lady, August 5

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, August 6

The Book Club Network, August 7

Through the Fire Blogs, August 8 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, August 9

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, August 10

Artistic Nobody, August 11 (Author Interview)

Blogging With Carol, August 12

Guild Master, August 13 (Author Interview)

Mornings at Character Cafe, August 13

Holly’s Book Corner, August 14

Simple Harvest Reads, August 15 (Guest Review from Anne Rightler)

Beauty in the Binding, August 16 (Author Interview)

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

1 comment:

  1. Anything to do with ghosts, I'm down. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
