Saturday, October 14, 2023

The Last Exchange by Charles Martin Book Review

About the Book:

Here’s the catch—even if I make it out of here alive, I need a reason to breathe again.”

When MacThomas Pockets finished his last tour as part of the Scottish Special Forces, he was hired to consult for a film director to finesse some scenes that weren’t working. In a twist he never saw coming, he ended up moving to L.A. to work as the bodyguard for movie star Maybe Joe Sue.

It didn’t take long for Pockets to realize there were two Joe Sues: The Joe Sue the public saw with her perfect life and her Hollywood husband. And the private Joe Sue: the one with the traumatic youth that no amount of pills could cover up, who desperately wanted a child of her own.

Even after their paths diverged, he continued to track Joe Sue’s life. Only a few would notice when the bottom fell out. But he did. And that’s when he stepped in.

One man seeks to answer the question: How far would you go—really— to save someone you love? And in the masterful hands of New York Times bestselling author Charles Martin, finding the answer will take readers on an intense and heart-wrenching journey to the very end.

My Review:

This novel got off to a rough start for me. I found the “before” and “after” chapters made the flow disjointed and confusing until I found out what event was the pivotal one. By the end, I was glad I had read the book. It is very touching and is an adequate allegory of one giving his life for the welfare of another.

I felt there were many problems with the plot, however. Where in the world did the kidnapper get the money to do everything, rent cars, buy food, buy tracking devices, buy aviation fuel? Did he use her credit cards? That would have been tracked. That aspect of the plot seemed unreasonable.

I had trouble finding the characters engaging. Pockets might be considered a hero. His violence did not seem at all in line with his controlled character elsewhere. Joe Sue seemed likable and understandable until her loyalty to Syd over against Pockets. That she wouldn't even let him explain his actions after being so loyal to her was strange.

And the courtroom scene was totally unbelievable. I cannot even imagine a judge would allow that kind of action and dialogue to happen. That scene made this novel seem like a fairy tale rather than one supposing to be believable in contemporary society.

The best part of this novel was the revealing twist near the end that cleared up so much puzzling action and emotions. That was clever and explained much.

This is a novel for readers who like one in the style of a modern day fairy tale. 

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Author:

Charles Martin is a New York Times bestselling author of 16 previous novels, including his most recent, The Record Keeper. His work is available in 35+ languages. He lives in Jacksonville, Florida with his wife and their three sons.

Thomas Nelson Publishers, 368 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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