Tuesday, December 19, 2023

The Legacy by C L Tolbert Book Review

About the Book:

A quiet tree-lined street in New Orleans erupts in panic when the body of Sally Wilcox is discovered by her landlord. Sally had been stabbed, and she was clutching a kitchen knife in her hand at the time of her death. Later, police discover evidence at the scene which implicates Sally’s son, Jeremy, in her murder. He was arrested the next day.

Law school professor Emma Thornton is convinced by a friend to take Jeremy’s case. She begins her investigation into Jeremy and his family, and the facts surrounding the night of the murder. Layer after layer of family secrets slowly reveal themselves, as the numbers of murders and kidnappings multiply.

Holding the key to the killer’s trail and the case’s final resolution, Emma’s success depends on whether she can maintain control over her own reckless impulses.

My Review:

I liked this legal procedural mystery. Emma is a good heroine. This novel gives a good picture of a dedicated attorney working on a difficult case while also trying to parent a son beginning to make wrong decisions. To understand her client, Emma must understand his family background. She find lies and deceptions the deeper she digs. Mental illness and dysfunctional relationships are two areas Emma must explore to find out if her client is really innocent. And there is a good dose of suspense when Emma talks to people who have something to hide.

I like the structure of the plot. In addition to the murder mystery is the issue of bullying. Emma faces a bully in a prosecutor who lies and is pushy, trying to quickly advance in her field. Emma's son also faces a bully at school. It was interesting to see how the two handle their conflicts.

This is a good novel for readers who like an amateur sleuth who investigates murder to prove her client innocent.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

I have read two of the previous books in this series and you can read my review of them: The Redemption and Sanctuary.

About the Author:

After winning the Georgia State Bar Journal's fiction contest in 2010, Cynthia Tolbert developed the winning story into a full-scale novel. OUT FROM SILENCE was published in December of 2019, and is the first novel in the Thornton Mysteries series. Her second book, THE REDEMPTION, was published in February of 2021.

A recovering attorney, Cynthia retired after thirty years of practice and began writing full time several years ago, although she occasionally volunteers with Atlanta Legal Aid. She also has a Masters of Special Education, and taught school earlier in her career. She lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her husband and schnauzer.

Visit Cynthia at www.cltolbert.com.

Level Best Books, 305 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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