Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Death at a Scottish Wedding by Lucy Connelly Book Review

About the Book:

Finally feeling like Sea Isle, Scotland is becoming her new home, American doctor Emilia McRoy is delighted when she is invited to a wedding at Morrigan’s Castle. Her friends have warned her that it’s a three-day party and it’s bound to get wild, not to mention the impending snowstorm. Constable Ewan Campbell, owner of the castle, ensures their safety with the blizzard. What he didn’t ensure, is that all of his guests would survive the night alive. When Emilia explores the impressive castle, she finds a dead man in one of the turrets.

 The snowstorm hits and the local police can’t reach the castle until it lets up. With no one able to leave, the family insists they carry on with the wedding, which makes Emilia’s job as the coroner a bit easier—the suspects are in one place­––and complicated because the killer has Emilia in his sights. The fact no one claims to know the victim isn’t helping. Why would someone no one knows be murdered at a castle in the middle of nowhere?

My Review:

This is a fun cozy mystery of the locked room variety. The the snowy Scottish countryside is fun setting for winter reading. There is even a old and huge castle to get lost in. Emilia make for a good amateur sleuth. Even though she has been in Scotland for a short time, she has developed many friends who help her solve the murder. There are plenty of suspects and it is not until Emilia's life is in danger that the villain is identified. While this is the second in a series, I felt it read well on its own. A fun winter cozy mystery read.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Author:

Lucy Connelly loves traveling the world, but her favorite place is at home with her dogs and family. That said, she's always up for adventure and is constantly on the lookout for killer inspiration--as in who will be the next killer in her books?

She has a master's degree in humanities and enjoys learning all the things.

Crooked Lane Books, 272 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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