Monday, April 1, 2024

Honor Bound by Madison Love Book Review

About the Book:

When I left the love of my life under the cover of darkness, I had no idea I would have to return in the same way. Shrouded in secrecy and hidden from the world, I hoped to find safety, solace, and a second chance.

What I found instead was more than I expected.

I never stopped loving Patrick Kent, not even after being whisked away in the middle of the night with barely more than a goodbye. After returning home to find the family palace bombed, our country in chaos, and my betrothed waiting for me, I didn’t think I would ever see him again. Yet, I prayed every day that I would.

Nine years and an assassination attempt later, I’m forced to flee my homeland in search of the one person who I trust to protect me and my son. When I find him, it’s with a wedding band on his finger and a smile on his face, and yet I have a ring on my left hand, too.

But the one thing I’ve learned from playing politics is that nothing is ever as it seems.

Only a Shining Knight can rescue me from an evil queen who wants the throne, a rival king who wants more power, and the hired hitmen after me for a debt that’s not mine.

He tucks me safely away on his family farm—where truths are revealed, forgiveness is possible, and the promise of redemption is within arm’s reach. It’s not the place anyone would expect to find a princess, but then again, my life is not a fairytale.

My Review:

This novel got off to a bit of a rough start for me as I thought there was initial infidelity. This proved to not be the case as the full facts were revealed later on. It made me feel uneasy for the early part of the novel, however. Also, that Patrick, an FBI agent, would so quickly become romantically involved with the woman he was assigned to protect did not seem right, certainly something the FBI would not condone. While he resigned his position later and joined a private firm, he must have violated some FBI ethics rule.

Love's writing style is generally easy to read. She does switch viewpoints as we alternately see action from Patrick's and Ariella's first person accounts. While the viewpoint is clearly identified at the beginning of each chapter, if my reading was interrupted mid-chapter, it would take me a while to get back to the proper viewpoint. Because of that, this writing technique is not my favorite style of plot progression.

Once I got into the story, past the initial infidelity concern, what was happening became more clear and I enjoyed the story. Much of the plot is revealed in the book's description but there is still some good suspense that happens.

This is the first book I have read by Love and I like that she gets readers quite involved in the characters' lives. Now that I know some of the Shining Knight Protectors I will be watching for more in this series.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Author:

Madison Love
is an Amazon Best-selling, clean, and contemporary romance writer who loves to intertwine humor and suspense while adding a dash of sweetness. She has spent most of her life traveling abroad, discovering new places, and meeting wonderful people. It only took twenty years in the military before settling in a rural town outside of Buffalo, New York, where she now lives on a forty-acre farm with her husband, son, and two dogs. Having been afforded the time and opportunity to bring her ideas and stories to life, she seeks to give her readers the ‘happy ever after’ they seek, but with a dash of intrigue. You can find out more at

Independently published, 244 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book through Book Sirens. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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