Thursday, May 30, 2024

God's Got You by Tracie Miles Book Review

About the Book:

During times of transition—such as a move, a divorce, or just a new season of life—you need reminders that even when you feel out of control, God is in control. In this practical guide to navigating uncharted territory, Tracie Miles equips you to say goodbye to the way things once were so you can embrace God’s future for us.
Beginning again can feel scary, even in the best of times. This biblically based guide equips you for the future God has for you, even if it’s not the one you expected. 
God’s Got You offers the encouragement you need to:
  • Identify the stumbling blocks that prevent you from moving forward.
  • Use times of transition to become who you’ve always wanted to be.
  • Feel empowered to pursue the desires and dreams in your heart.
  • Map out a life plan for the season ahead. 

At a time when you might be feeling fearful, Tracie helps you find the courage to reinvent yourself. With prompts for goal setting, vision casting, action steps, reflection, and prayer, 
God’s Got You empowers you to step boldly into the next season of your life.

This book releases July 2.

My Review:

I really like the book Miles has written, helping us navigate times of transition. Rather than dwelling on present circumstances, she suggests it might be a good time to consider reinventing ourself. She gives practical ideas for creating goals for the journey and drawing up a workable life plan. She encourages us to move forward in faith, pushing past our doubts. She includes inspiring stories from her own life and from biblical characters.

I am impressed with the practical nature of this book. She gives growth steps for the different kinds of life transitions with specific questions to answer leading to drawing up a blueprint for change. She helps us learn from our past experiences and face possible stumbling blocks as we look to the future.

Circumstances change. Transition times will come. Miles' book is a good resource at such times to successfully make it through change to a better future. You owe it to yourself to be the best version of who God created you to be, Miles says. (157) This book will certainly help you on that journey.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

About the Author:

Tracie Miles
 is a bestselling author, a writing coach, the founder of the Living Unbroken Divorce Recovery Program, and a member of the devotion-writing team for Proverbs 31, which reaches 1.5 million people a day with God’s Word. Tracie has three grown children, a son-in-law, and a daughter-in-law, and lives in Charlotte, North Carolina. You can find out more at

David C Cook, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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