Thursday, July 25, 2024

Dwell Differently by Natalie Abbott and Vera Schmitz Book Review

About the Book:

Change the way you think, one verse at a time

What if you had God's words with you all the time? Not just on your phone, but deep in your soul and on the tip of your tongue? It may sound daunting, or even impossible.

Knowing how hard Scripture memorization can be, Dwell Differently founders Natalie Abbott and Vera Schmitz created a simple, creative, and smart way to memorize Scripture and keep God's promises in your heart. Natalie and Vera not only reveal the importance of having a mind built on God's Word, they actually give you the tools necessary to defeat negative thoughts. In doing so, they help you:

· fight lies with truth
· replace fear with peace
· focus your heart on what really matters

In a world filled with negative voices competing for our attention, just one word from God is more powerful than any other. It's time to store up a wealth of them.

My Review:

I love the premise of this book, memorizing Bible verses to replace negative thoughts. The authors desire we fix our minds on what God says is true. I appreciate that they picked some of the most common negative thoughts Christians experience, provide a verse to memorize and include good teaching on the subject. Topics include feeling unloved, insecure, unaccepted, depressed, afraid, and more.

Unfortunately, I did not find the visual graphics provided very useful in memorizing the verses they suggest. I have included an example of one of the graphics provided to help memorize a verse. It is basically just letters. I would have much rather had something with figures or maybe something like the imagery that is used in a memory palace.

So, a good premise, good teaching but poor visual helps to memorization.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Authors:

Vera Schmitz and Natalie Abbott 
are sisters and cofounders of Dwell Differently, a vibrant online community committed to memorizing God's Word together every month. They host the popular Dwell Differently podcast. Natalie and Vera live in Missouri. Follow along at

Bethany House, 240 pages.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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