has another goal. As a child he had sketched a cottage on Estillyn
his grandfather used to visit. Now that his grandfather has passed
away, Goodwin wants to find the cottage and
understand his attraction to it.
they find on Estillyen is more than they could have ever imagined.
Goodwin meets the owner of the cottage, a recluse. Oban Ironbout is a
man deeply hurt. As Hollie describes her experience with Oban, “He
didn't just speak sorrowful words, he became
the words. He was Burden, the character true to form. The characters
Misery, Bitterness, Defiance...” (116-7)
God has plans for Oban Ironbout and those plans include Goodwin and
is a very interesting novel. It is hard to describe. It is a novel
about words, about their meaning and influence. The monks on the
island are very creative in their story telling, emphasizing the
importance of words. The characters say lots of words. And Jefferson
himself masterfully used words in the creation of this novel.
are several stories going on at the same time in this novel. Hollie
and Goodwin are trying to come to grips with their future. Oban has a
past that has captured him and held him prisoner. And the monks, the
monks want to bring people into a place where they can contemplate
their faith in a community discussion setting.
is the kind of book that you'll want to read over again, savoring the
stories and the words that are used to create them. This is the kind
of book you will want to read and then discuss with others,
especially the stories the monks tell.
only aspect of this book that makes it less than perfect, I think, is
that it is very wordy. I know, it is a book about words, but there
are times when a conversation just goes on and on. With the plot of
the book as it is, I think a more concise book would have worked

to http://www.estillyen.com/
to find out more about the book and the author.
Estillyen Productions, 296 pages.
received a complimentary copy of this book from Handlebar for the
purpose of this review.